View Full Version : The PURGE 2015 -Cash Prizes- 8th Buggy/Truggy

A.R.C Raceway
08-09-2015, 07:50 PM
https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-0/p370x247/11667474_877494542318135_5280522488809255675_n.png ?oh=7d59bc48e3b556fb53986ab78d4d02d7&oe=565EEC9C&__gda__=1450913458_d173bb4272535c3acd25c4f70739c65 6
ARC ModelSport and ARC Raceway UK are pleased to present a new one-off race happening on the 20th of September,
THE PURGE, This is a Cash Prize event, for Nitro Buggies Truggies and Electric Buggies.
£20 Entry fee, £8 of which goes to the Cash Prize Fund, this means 100 entries = £800 Cash Prize Fund !!
The Event will take place at ARC Raceway UK, on the 20th of September, Booking in is Open, please send race entries to: admin@arcmodelsport.co.uk, entries will close on the 18th of September.
In the format of:
Full Name:
Classes Running:
PT number and respective vehicle:
Race fee will be taken on the day.
Booking in on the day will open at 8am and close at 9:30am, with first heat on the line at 10am.
There will be 3 rounds of 7 minute Qualifying, With 20 minute lower finals and a 45 minute Main Final, Electric Finals will be 15 minutes long.
Remember the more entries the larger the Prize Pot, Entries to the event are not limited !
If you have any queries for the event, be sure to contact this page, or the ARC Raceway UK page.
See you there !