View Full Version : KF - Stock setup Indoors - Slippy Floor?

02-12-2015, 03:45 PM

Is the standard KF (saddles etc) any good indoors on slippy floor - or is it a non-starter?
I have a spare KF I was considering setting up for one of my boys - but if it's rubbish then I won't bother :)


02-12-2015, 05:24 PM
I still run a KF1 with stock saddle setup and our local club runs a combination of slippy wooden floor and carpet. I find it ok & dont struggle against drivers of similar ability (running KF Low Grip etc)

I have my rear shocks on the rear, I also have a 40g weight between the saddle packs, I do probably suffer a little with steering due to this but I do have lots of rear grip to be fair.