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jimmy 27-04-2007 08:34 AM

Maybe the word 'irrelevent' needs to be in BOLD in your first post- since it appears you are drawing similarities when there are none.

I do hope that things get 'sorted' soon and we can all enjoy the end products.

capellone24 28-04-2007 12:25 AM

wow this is like a soap opera..........anyway all is clear for me , i remember some time ago when i saw the tamiya TRF501X it looked to me similar to yokomo Bx.....now the concept of cyclone D4 is very close to Bj We ....touring car are very similar each others.....so i think that this aero A-one will do the same on durango.........it is not nice to see ,but in the races this is the normal way to improve the performances......find a nice base and make it better.......
if Aero has used the durango's layout without any agreement with Mr Strenge i think that they final product will be much more different than the actual prototype.........

sorry for my bad eng.

rich_cree 28-04-2007 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bathy (Post 36048)
I wasn’t going to post again on this subject but found it too difficult to hold back, sorry!

An example of a ‘case’ was given a few posts back, which I feel is completely irrelevant to the one we are talking about. The very first line explains why “Former Ferrari employees Mauro Iacconi and Angelo Santini” unless the team at Aero-Racing had previously worked for the ‘chap who’s upset’ and had signed contracts of employment, which I doubt, then this case is completely irrelevant for use as an example, the only reason them guys got ‘done’ would have been for breach of employment contract… trust me!

I still think my first post on this matter is the most relevant which was as follows:

Bit odd, no idea if any of this is correct but based on what’s been said (If I put my ‘business’ hat on for a second), unless Gerd has patents in place then there is little you can do, that’s the harsh reality of the world.

It’s very simple; you don’t have to be an expert, hell you only have to watch one episode of ‘Dragons Den’ would go like this…

Car creator: “Hi, I’ve designed the car, parts of if are unique and I think I can sell a load a make money. I'm looking for £100,000 investment”
Dragon: “It looks great, I’m interested, you’re looking for £100,000 yes?”
Car creator: “yup”
Dragon: “ok do have the unique parts patented?”

Scenario 1

Car creator: “yes I do”
Dragon: “great you’ve got yourself the investment, let’s do business”

Scenario 2
Car creator: “No I don’t, not yet anyway”
Dragon: “Oh, exactly what stops me from just making these myself??? I’m out”

Simple really, from a ‘business’ point of view, like I said it’s a harsh world out there.

If you want to get into it, they stole info they where privy to but didn't own, thats why they are going down. Remarkably similar to if you were given a car to run but didn't own it I would say.

Doomanic 28-04-2007 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by gramey (Post 35996)
:) This may sound a little strange but presumably the publishers of Gerd Strenge's statements have verified that it is indeed him they are speaking to and not some malicious 3rd party with an axe to grind purporting to be him?:)

I'm glad I'm not the only one to wonder about that!:o

elvo 26-09-2007 08:58 PM


lazerboy 26-09-2007 10:05 PM

he looks like he's about to crack up laughing!:D
Maybe it's about the moulded chassis?:rolleyes:

jimmy 26-09-2007 10:10 PM

now now boys! I saw a nice photo op and I took it!
The moulded chassis looks really nice and I've seen some other parts - AERO are being very secretive I guess because they want to surprise people with the end product, but from what I've seen it's a lot closer to being finished than it might seem

Chris Doughty 27-09-2007 06:48 AM

even more bizzare is the T shirt he is wearing?

DCM 27-09-2007 07:12 AM

so is that a Serpent, Durango or Aero chassis the Gerdmeister is fondling?

bender 27-09-2007 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by DCM (Post 62185)
so is that a Serpent, Durango or Aero chassis the Gerdmeister is fondling?

Exactly what I was wondering :confused:

Lee Martin 27-09-2007 08:05 AM

read the worlds report!


Chris Doughty 27-09-2007 08:05 AM

fairly sure its the Aero one. you can see Boulter in the foreground so I guess he is at Lee Martins pit table.

Atomic 27-09-2007 02:36 PM


Atomic 27-09-2007 02:37 PM


Atomic 27-09-2007 02:39 PM


jimmy 27-09-2007 02:41 PM

Keep going Atomic! you'll get there in the end! :)

_sleigh_ 27-09-2007 02:42 PM

big red X's

losixxx 27-09-2007 02:45 PM

who you blowing kisses to phil

lazerboy 27-09-2007 07:28 PM

It might be the work of ASSOCIATED. I actually think that it's a great chassis, i'd just rather have cnc'd aluminum, and for $500 it better be gold plated titanium.

bigred5765 27-09-2007 09:30 PM

crazyboy strikes again as jimmy said read the worlds report
o buy the way it is aero chassis

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