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Crazy L 14-04-2020 09:15 PM

Who has the friendliest racers?
10th off road, or 8th off road?

Just for fun, no mud slinging :lol:

Let's hear your reasons...GO

racingdwarf 14-04-2020 11:49 PM

Having done both classes at all levels over the years.....8th by a long way :blush:

HarlowS 15-04-2020 09:18 AM

10th scale 100%,

8th is just full of shouting and screaming, and thats before any engines are started :p

HarlowS 15-04-2020 09:22 AM

or...... as a curve ball........ The micro scene back in the day was a great environment

kitesurfer73 15-04-2020 04:35 PM

I've raced just 1/10th and from my experience most of the time it's a good vibe, I've just bought this week agama 1/8th so get back to you next year about who has the better more chilled racers 😁

AmiSMB 16-04-2020 11:30 AM

Having been racing for a while I would say the most social are 1/8th racers especially as you have to get someone else to be your pitman and frienships and banter is formed that way, whereas in 1/10th electric you do not have this and you can be rather alone.

I think because of the short duration and no bumping up in finals in 1/10th means that there is more pressure on your performance within the 5 minute race rather than a more relaxed approach in 1/8th.

Buggyman 16-04-2020 12:52 PM

Having raced for over 25 years Its been my experience that 10th buggy racing at a club level is far more friendly than at regional or national level. It sometimes seems like unless your sponsored or your last name is Cragg or something then alot of the higher end guys don't want to know you. The snobbery is most certainly there at some places. It was certainly that way 15 years ago at Marston Palmer's IMI club. Everybody used to comment on it. I attended a meeting at Kidderminster quite recently and watched a young lad with a Schumacher cougar having difficulties with the car. He went in the Schumacher tent for help and nobody seemed interested. Yet at the same meeting I watched about four PR team guys running round like crazy to help a newbie. That was nice too see. I know people would always have different opinions on this subject so we can only go by our own experiences.

Cosworth 16-04-2020 05:16 PM

It's all clicky.

If you're not one of the faces then don't bother trying to ask for help 🤣

Crazy L 17-04-2020 12:22 PM

Some valid points being made here, and all quite truthful too.

Keep it coming.:thumbsup:

lofty2332 17-04-2020 01:35 PM

I've found 1/10th to be pretty friendly.
I came back racing 18 months ago at Bury.
I've had people offer me shelter in their gazebo when it was raining, Schumacher team drivers offering me help if needed, and had a good laugh with the other racers.

We must be friendlier up north lol

gary williamson 17-04-2020 02:55 PM

Top Guys Find Time to Help
I have got to disagree ,with one mate we raced previous year in the regionals & last year including Nat's .Before we started out we were told that no one would help us, but have not found this to be the case.I would also like to say a big thanks to the Craggs we were having a mare at Torch and asked Neil for assistance which he and His father gave gaining us one lap lmproving forty odd positions. Help was offered at later rounds, I would loved to have taken this up but what you guys have to remember these guys are racing to win championships and imagine trying to help everyone .Thanks again looking forward to attending meetings with every one of you after all this covid stuff over Gary:p ,stay safe

Buggyman 17-04-2020 03:27 PM

As said you have to go by your own personal experiences on this subject.

Slimboyfat 21-04-2020 09:20 AM

I cannot speak for 8th as never raced or attended an event but 1/10 off road I've found to be great particularly at the mid to lower levels.

I personally preferred Regional level (Mid West) and although through the years, I've lost touch with a few people there were a load of us (now probably aged between 30-45) who used to play footy during rounds. The racing was very competitive and some great camaraderie but there was a relaxed edge to it which made it really enjoyable.

impulsivesolo 21-04-2020 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by lofty2332 (Post 1009922)
I've found 1/10th to be pretty friendly.
I came back racing 18 months ago at Bury.
I've had people offer me shelter in their gazebo when it was raining, Schumacher team drivers offering me help if needed, and had a good laugh with the other racers.

We must be friendlier up north lol

Agreed. :thumbsup:

X - Racer 23-04-2020 01:31 PM

I have raced 1/10 for years and now 1/8. The difference is in 1/8 you need help with pitting. You have no choice but to communicate with fellow racers for pitting duties. Then at the next meeting you have even more racers to say hello too and catch up with.

Crazy L 26-04-2020 12:50 PM

As pointed out earlier, one can only go by personal experiences, and I have to say, as much as it's my original class and the one I grew up reading about and had more interest in, 10th isn't as friendly as 8th.

That is just my experience. It is not to say that 10th racers are unfriendly by any stretch, but 8th pips it to the post.

Maybe an example of the North/South divide perhaps?

Maybe racers are more friendly from the Midlands up, who knows? Or maybe as one chap pointed out earlier, it's a case of only if your face fits.

Ritchie T 12-06-2020 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Cosworth (Post 1009909)
It's all clicky.

If you're not one of the faces then don't bother trying to ask for help 🤣

You dont need help - wait..

Cosworth 13-06-2020 06:40 PM

The only help I need is mental.

Buy my stuff.

dicky14 30-06-2020 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Buggyman (Post 1009901)
Having raced for over 25 years Its been my experience that 10th buggy racing at a club level is far more friendly than at regional or national level. It sometimes seems like unless your sponsored or your last name is Cragg or something then alot of the higher end guys don't want to know you. The snobbery is most certainly there at some places. It was certainly that way 15 years ago at Marston Palmer's IMI club. Everybody used to comment on it. I attended a meeting at Kidderminster quite recently and watched a young lad with a Schumacher cougar having difficulties with the car. He went in the Schumacher tent for help and nobody seemed interested. Yet at the same meeting I watched about four PR team guys running round like crazy to help a newbie. That was nice too see. I know people would always have different opinions on this subject so we can only go by our own experiences.

This does upset me a bit, the team drivers role is to help out with people running their products, for the schuey team to be like that is a disgrace. All team drivers have a duty to promote the sport and help fellow racers where neccasery(sorry for the misspelling):thumbdown:

On another note, i have raced both on and offroad, both friendly and both do have a clique, if your face doesnt fit you wont get help. it was more apparent back in the late 80s/90s when team drivers got the best stuff and were classed as the elite. Nowadays with the elctronics etc being avaliable to all it does level the playing field. But if i can help in anyway shape of form i will. I just recently gave 6 battery packs to a young lad who had just stsrted, i didnt use them so i gave them to him. Treat people how you would like to be treated:thumbsup:

Steve.T 01-07-2020 07:29 PM

I remember running an X factory X5 at an indoor meet and Ellis Stafford (X factory works driver at the time) walked over to me and said if I needed any help I should just ask.
I have competed at many clubs in the 30 plus years I've been racing and can't honestly remember any where I felt unwelcome or that I couldn't ask for help

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