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Backforfun 19-10-2016 02:49 PM

Has it a future!
Are Durango going to keep going ? I hope so

Nick.W 19-10-2016 04:31 PM

Unlikely. Most model shops have stopped supporting due to the hassle of getting stock from revell

SiTrace 19-10-2016 05:10 PM

When I returned to the hobby after a 4 year break I was amazed how such a thriving brand had disappeared almost completely . 210 & 410's were very popular in 2012, and now are all but extinct in competition. A real shame.

The future look bleak unfortunately.

spindles69 19-10-2016 07:17 PM

I'm going to be using my cars for next season. Only broke one rear wing mount and we run two v5s and two 210fs. Got double of all plastic parts so good for another couple of seasons. Running gear has no wear at all and we have run club and regional races this year. Cars have been superb.

Moss Models 19-10-2016 07:26 PM

I hope so but it doesn't look great.

Which is a shame as I have loads of parts in stock!😭

terry.sc 19-10-2016 10:27 PM

Are Durango going to keep going? Most definitely, it's part of Hobbico and they aren't going anywhere.

The question you should be asking is whether Durango is dead in the UK. It is unlikely that Durango will be popular again in the UK after the shops were messed around with after Hobbico took over and transferred distribution to Revell Germany. As the shops couldn't get hold of the spares, drivers changed to other makes with better support so the shops had less reason to stock Durango, so most UK shops abandoned Durango completely.

buggy#0 20-10-2016 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by terry.sc (Post 959300)
Are Durango going to keep going? Most definitely, it's part of Hobbico and they aren't going anywhere.

I wouldn't be too quick to say that - the recent developments with regard to several cars appearing as discontinued or unavailable, as well as team drivers in the US fleeing en masse alongside Amezcua's well documented departure, doesn't paint a very healthy picture for them. I'm sure they aren't going to vanish off the face of the earth with immediate effect but the company has been slowly run into the ground, not just within the UK.

No matter how good the current lineup of cars is, Amezcua's departure was the final straw for their international presence. It's a shame, but I don't see how they can feasibly recover to the lofty heights they were once at unless something dramatic changes in the way the brand is handled.

Pablo668 22-10-2016 03:22 AM

I would love to see/read an article stating the down low on what actually happened at Durango.
I remember them coming onto the scene as a commercial entity selling to the public, Jimmys superb article on the 410, heaps of people wanting Durangos etc.
Then a few short years later I heard Gerd Strenge had left the company and then a bit further down the track people selling up their Durango stuff and saying that parts support went to badword.

Just seems inexplicable to me.

lynx75 24-10-2016 08:35 PM

I love my dex410v5, amazing 4wd car out there.

In Hobbico's hand the Durango brand is heavily going down, Perhaps someone should buy the Durango brand and the Company itself to revamp.

CARB 25-10-2016 12:45 PM

For the older guys the Durango brand is like Skoda in reverse, it is a pity the Serpent did not buy them as a race car needs racers to understand what is needed.

lynx75 25-10-2016 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by CARB (Post 959687)
For the older guys the Durango brand is like Skoda in reverse, it is a pity the Serpent did not buy them as a race car needs racers to understand what is needed.

I hope that Durango and the Team who has built as such as great car kits will revamp in the coming future. I am looking at the dex410v5 and cannot see any car like the v5 car, above all the others.

all the best for Durango and their engineers

dazp83 19-11-2016 04:34 PM

Distribution is being changed for 2017, looks like it has a future but insure what.

dansim 26-11-2016 08:17 PM

oh this isnt a good read as just purchased a 410 for my lil lad to start racing with and was gonna grab one for myself as well to start again oh bum i was impressed with its build quality and look shame really defo a world apart from the yz10 i use to race

PaulRotheram 26-11-2016 09:33 PM

dansim i have a 410 v3 fully upgraded im looking to shift along cheapish - might be worth an option for you. has a tonne of spares and upgrades. im sure the new distributor will perk up where it has slacked this year.

Ritchie T 30-11-2016 12:20 AM

Shame if it does Robbo is real fast with his cars!

Cain 02-12-2016 06:00 AM

Rumors I have seen is that Durango is looking to discontinue there 1/8 scale lineup and focus on 1/10.

If that is the case I am fine with that. However, they really need to decide what they want to be. If you are going to pitch race vehicles, it would be great to actually have a race team. And parts should never be this much of a pain to get. I know guys stock piling dex210v2 style a-arms since they are rare.

At this point after recently owning much of the current lineup I am down to two vehicles, the dex410v5 and the old school desc410V2 which shares parts. Both vehicles drive quite well, but after dropping my dex210 that was highly loaded up and have been quite happy with the RC10B6 I am running from a support and quality perspective.

I just hope Durango can recover.

beugz 03-02-2017 07:55 AM

Any news?

spindles69 03-02-2017 08:22 AM

Latest I've heard is that CML are taking over. That's coming from my last.

micholix 03-02-2017 11:35 AM

It would be great to see, they grow up again, i still love my TD fleet...:thumbsup:

spindles69 24-03-2017 08:26 AM

Informed by my lhs that Durango have no uk disributor. Still got all my cars and olenty of spares so should be fine this year. Hopefully something will change in the future for Durango.

mattr 24-03-2017 02:08 PM

Rumour is that their plastics manufacturer (KingStar) went under late last year.

And apparently KingStar own the molds. So it really really doesn't look good.
This is on the Team Durango group on facebook. Might be time to start bundling up and selling my spares!!

rcjunky 24-03-2017 08:30 PM

I never heard Kingstar owned the molds before. Its bad news if they do (kinda odd though for something like this) but a lot of the Arrma 1/8 cars share molds with the durango 1/8 line, so I'm sure theres more to the story. Hobbico could probably buy the molds if this is in fact the case

mattr 24-03-2017 08:42 PM

The times I've seen it done is usually a temporary thing. I guess TD would've planned to eventually buy them.
And the KS/TD deal would probably have been done before ARRMA and Hobbico were on the scene.

And just buying the molds is only half the story, need to know all the parameters etc which *might* be KS IP.

Who knows. I don't.

And TD are being/have been very quiet.

beugz 07-04-2017 01:18 PM

http://www.arrma-durango.com/ :confused:

mattr 07-04-2017 06:05 PM


That's been there 5 years according to whois.
And Arrma bought durango ages ago.

beugz 18-08-2017 06:03 AM

it's over...
By Aaron Waldron
After the Team Durango brand suffered a decline in business over the last couple of years, Hobbico has decided to terminate the product line and will deplete existing stock. The ARRMA brand, however, remains healthy and will continue.
At 2 PM CT, the Facebook page Track13News (https://www.facebook.com/track13news) posted the following:
“Due to market conditions, the Team Durango product line has been discontinued and we will receive no further product shipments. (We do have some parts inventory remaining and available for a limited time.) We thank all Team Durango customers and team members for their dedication to Team Durango. NOTE: THE ARRMA BRAND is growing quickly and unaffected.”
It's unclear where the statement came from. I reached out to Hobbico spokesperson Natalie Rodrigues, who confirmed the decision via email, saying:

"Thank you for reaching out to inquire more about the status of Team Durango. As you know, we're always striving to develop new products to service our customers with a broader range of diverse and innovative vehicles. With that said, the Team Durango product line has been discontinued and we will receive no further product shipments (we do have some parts inventory remaining and available for a limited time).
We are excited to introduce new vehicles from our other established brands in the future. We thank all Team Durango customers and team members for their dedication to Team Durango.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions and stay tuned for lots of good things to come!"

Origineelreclamebord 18-08-2017 11:11 AM

Since Hobbico has several brands that do have a good reputation, it does feel like the management just let it bleed to death... That, and maybe KingStar's bankrupcy was the final nail in the coffin. Luckily sales were so poor there are still spares around at hobby stores that couldn't get rid of the parts. Maybe their luck will change when the last few dozen people left in the world running these cars stock up on spares :)

Also, something in me tells me that a mint or NIB DEX410 (v1) will be a future classic. I sold my shelf queen a few years ago for a measly 150 quid, looking back on it that probably was the worst time to sell it, lol!

neallewis 18-08-2017 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Origineelreclamebord (Post 977268)
Since Hobbico has several brands that do have a good reputation, it does feel like the management just let it bleed to death... That, and maybe KingStar's bankrupcy was the final nail in the coffin. Luckily sales were so poor there are still spares around at hobby stores that couldn't get rid of the parts. Maybe their luck will change when the last few dozen people left in the world running these cars stock up on spares :)

Also, something in me tells me that a mint or NIB DEX410 (v1) will be a future classic. I sold my shelf queen a few years ago for a measly 150 quid, looking back on it that probably was the worst time to sell it, lol!

Can you convert your FF210 to use parts from another brand?

Origineelreclamebord 18-08-2017 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by neallewis (Post 977269)
Can you convert your FF210 to use parts from another brand?

For the shocks, driveshafts and even the differential there seem to be alternatives that are either a straight fit or fit with very small alterations (=using different ball bearings or using some shims/spacers here and there).

That leaves pretty much only the slipper assembly, gear casing and idler. For these parts it seems customizations are required, and that will take some time.

Rest assured, we won't abandon our customers, and as soon as I know for sure which parts fit, this will be shared.

neallewis 18-08-2017 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Origineelreclamebord (Post 977271)
For the shocks, driveshafts and even the differential there seem to be alternatives that are either a straight fit or fit with very small alterations (=using different ball bearings or using some shims/spacers here and there).

That leaves pretty much only the slipper assembly, gear casing and idler. For these parts it seems customizations are required, and that will take some time.

Rest assured, we won't abandon our customers, and as soon as I know for sure which parts fit, this will be shared.

Yeah good call. Best of luck. I have seen a few running locally and they go great, certainly in the wet against regular 2wd cars.

adey 18-08-2017 05:15 PM

Does anyone know of any shops who may still have some kits. I would love a 210 v3. ?

spindles69 22-08-2017 10:37 PM

I have a v3 that i built rear motored. Used it 4 times. Maybe sell for the right price. Make me an offer.

adey 22-08-2017 10:58 PM

Pics ?

dazp83 23-08-2017 07:00 AM

T2 shop in Germany just sold three for 100 euros each. Don't know if they have any more

Origineelreclamebord 24-08-2017 04:54 AM

T2Shop is sold out, but I wouldn't be surprised if other hobby stores follow in their footsteps... :)

adey 27-08-2017 09:12 PM

Ran my dex210f on Friday night on carpet. Not used it in some time as I have lots of other cars. It was really good. I am going to run it regularly so I hope I can accumulate some spare parts for it. I'll do my bit to keep Durango alive lol.

daz75 27-08-2017 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by adey (Post 977703)
Ran my dex210f on Friday night on carpet. Not used it in some time as I have lots of other cars. It was really good. I am going to run it regularly so I hope I can accumulate some spare parts for it. I'll do my bit to keep Durango alive lol.

Too late lol

Backforfun 28-08-2017 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by spindles69 (Post 977490)
I have a v3 that i built rear motored. Used it 4 times. Maybe sell for the right price. Make me an offer.

And so it begins lol

adey 28-08-2017 05:58 AM

Price and pics ?

micholix 15-01-2018 10:19 AM

hobbico file for bankruptcy!?
Do you think, that this can have any positiv effect for Team Durango, or even worser?


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