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ashleyb4 10-11-2013 07:50 PM

Oswestry New Astro and improvements
Still more work to be done. But progressing well. Astroturf requires joining.

http://imageshack.com/scaled/800x600/856/eckp.jpgUploaded with ImageShack.com
http://imageshack.com/scaled/800x600/689/z4lm.jpgUploaded with ImageShack.com


tyreman 10-11-2013 07:55 PM

What are we looking at Ash just a line of code?

ashleyb4 10-11-2013 08:00 PM

This is what you get from trying to upload them straight from your phone. Give me a minute.


ashleyb4 10-11-2013 08:03 PM


Mikey-D 10-11-2013 09:04 PM

The track is looking great, looking foward to racing on it for the 1st time.

We've still got lots more to do, but it's really starting to take shape.

A big thank you to everyone who helped this weekend.

danmurphy 11-11-2013 07:03 AM

Looking good so far guys! Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

tyreman 11-11-2013 11:49 AM

Looks good

ashleyb4 02-02-2014 08:20 PM


tyreman 03-02-2014 05:23 PM

I was in the warehouse that overlooks the track above the rostrum and it looked like you had removed the post from the middle of the track?

I also jokingly asked steelrol if they would cut the trees down as it stops the sun getting onto the track:woot:

Mikey-D 03-02-2014 06:11 PM

Yeah that's right, the post has now gone, well actually it's been moved to the outside edge by the car parking area.

We have also asked them to cut the damn trees, but little joy as yet. We have cut a lot of overhanging branches but really they need 20ft off the top.

Jamie B4 03-02-2014 10:35 PM

When will the track be complete and when are you going outside

Mikey-D 03-02-2014 11:22 PM

Well the plan is to be outside early in April, although that depends on track progress over the next month. Ash has another track work day planned for the end of February.

The next stage is to get more stone laid over the existing straight, finish building the supporting walls for the bomb hole + new table top and then get on with laying more astro.

Jamie B4 24-02-2014 10:22 AM


Speaking to Nick on weekend about how the new track is taking place. He said there is a lot to do and depends on weather. If you require any help etc then let me know cos can do a saturday or sunday.

Just need to know when so can ok it will the boss

Also congrats to Mike


Mikey-D 25-02-2014 10:42 PM

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Thanks for the offer of help Jamie, the next weekend is likely to be the 8th & 9th of March, we do really do need as much help as possible to ensure that we are ready for the upcoming outdoor season.

I've tried Attaching photos of the progress which the guys have made this weekend, if these have not worked then check out our Facebook page. Oswestry rcc.

Mikey-D 02-03-2014 07:57 PM

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Great progress again today, the bomb hole supporting walls are now finished, apart from 1 extra layer of blocks. The footings are now in for the new table top supporting wall.

Our next work weekend will be 15/16 march, to finish laying stone and preparing the surface for laying astro on the 16th.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mikey-D 03-03-2014 02:07 PM

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More photos of this weekends work.

Mikey-D 07-03-2014 07:23 PM

Operation daylight
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Ash has been doing some great work upgrading our flood lights ready for the new outdoor season.

The next work evening will be Wednesday 12th, then the final push on the weekend of the 15/16th, any help would be great.

Mikey-D 15-03-2014 06:38 PM

Awesome progress today
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Great progress today, Another 7rolls of astro laid. A big thanks to everyone who helped. Same time tomorrow.

We will announce the date of our first meeting on the new track in the next few days.

s_j_owens 16-03-2014 05:04 PM

It looks amazing :woot: It was looking good on thursday night. However now the astro is laid it's almost unrecognisable!

Bring on the summer :D

Mikey-D 16-03-2014 06:31 PM

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I agree, can't wait for us to be in a position to race, the first meeting on the new track is likely to be the 3rd or 10th of April and all depends on progress in the next couple of weeks.

1 new table top built today, and 6 more rolls of astro laid. Unfortunately we broke the fence when a lifting strap failed.

But on a positive we've tried running a couple of cars on the track today and the track is going to be really flowing with some great new jumps, dips and changes in elevation.

ashleyb4 17-03-2014 06:34 PM

Yea its looking brilliant there are lots of pictures on our facebook group which you can view through our website.



Mikey-D 19-03-2014 11:10 AM

A few of us are doing some more work on the outdoor track this evening, if anybody is available for a couple of hours we would welcome the extra hands.

Lots still to do, jobs include groundwork for the final rolls of astro, cutting and joining the astro, painting walls and track markers etc.


ashleyb4 22-03-2014 10:28 AM

Next work weekend is 29th and 30th March. Saturday and Sunday from 10 oclock both days. We need as much help as we can, should be our final weekend and we will be almost done.


neiloliver 22-03-2014 05:56 PM

MIke and I went to the track this morning and completed some more of the jointing - using the angle grinder. There are still some more joins to do (rain stopped play).

We have a LOT of old asto cutoffs left that we think we can use to build up another feature. Not much to do now to make it raceable


Mikey-D 23-03-2014 09:57 AM

So we've decided that our first meeting on our fantastic new multi surface track will be Thursday 10th April if we get enough support on our final full work weekend, which is planned for 29/30 March.

We will open the venue up at 18:30, for open practice and aim to start racing by 19:30, our venue is fully floodlit, these floodlights have also been upgraded to use modern high intensity lighting units, which gives us great racing until we've finished the finals.

We always aim for 3 round and a final but it will depend on numbers. The photos really don't do the track justice, I will however add more photos over the next few days.


Jamie B4 24-03-2014 12:41 PM


Are you only doing work on the weekends as this is a bit tricky, or are you doing some work on thursday night aswell cos might be able to offer some help if you need it


Mikey-D 25-03-2014 06:37 AM

Hi Jamie, we have been doing some work on Thursday nights, normally we would just be cutting / joining astro etc.

Here's a photo of the progress to date.


Mikey-D 26-03-2014 11:29 AM

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Neil has kindly informed me that I haven't attached the photo.

Mikey-D 30-03-2014 04:05 PM

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Another long weekend working on the track, thanks to those who helped. Unfortunately we had problems with the jcb so couldn't lay the final rolls of astro this weekend.

Get your bookings in for our opening evening on Thursday 10th April, just so we have an indication of numbers.


Mikey-D 30-03-2014 05:53 PM

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Photos of this weekends progress

Mikey-D 30-03-2014 05:55 PM

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More photos

Mikey-D 30-03-2014 05:58 PM

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And one more, sorry I can't seem to attach multiple photos

ashleyb4 30-03-2014 06:38 PM

As mike has said above unfortunately the starter motor failed on the JCB Saturday morning so we where unable to move the remaining astro out of the way to finish off the last few meters of track. I've been assured the JCB will be fixed tomorrow so we are going to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday night from 6.30 to get it finished. We need all the help we can so if you are free please come on down. It's looking fantastic I can't wait to race on it.


ashleyb4 30-03-2014 09:00 PM

Here is a small video of mike driving around and him getting the bomb hole very wrong.



Mikey-D 04-04-2014 03:22 PM

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So last night we got the final rolls of astro in position, we are planning on joining these final rolls, and laying the track on Monday and Wednesday evening. Before our first club night next Thursday on the new track.

Mikey-D 04-04-2014 06:53 PM

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Another photo

Mikey-D 09-04-2014 10:18 PM

Opening night
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So we've made great progress this week, I can confirm the track is now ready for our opening meeting tomorrow evening. We're expecting a really good turn out. All welcome, £5 members, £6 non members.

danmurphy 09-04-2014 10:31 PM

Looks amazing Mike! See you tomorrow :-)

s_j_owens 10-04-2014 05:58 AM

The track looks so much bigger now you have moved the straight. I can't wait to race on it now :D

Northy 10-04-2014 08:49 AM

Good job guys :thumbsup:

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