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Aero Racing 25-04-2007 02:44 PM

Aero Racing statement
To everyone who is interested,

This is a one time reaction on the multiple posts that have been spread today about the Aero Company. We were very surprised to see these kinds of accusations on the internet. As you all know the internet is a fantastic medium but it can also be abused in an awful way, this last thing is what happened today. As you probably saw there were accusations about stealing a car and abusing someone’s name as a designer. In the normal world it’s appropriate that you first find some prove and then accuse someone of something, but when you do this in a decent and civilized way you do this in front of a court, and not via the internet (were everybody can post what he/she wants).

We leave some questions open so that the people themselves can think about these:

This is a brand new company, it takes a lot of guts and a lot of thinking and studying to get something started in the real world (especially the r/c world). It also costs a lot of money! Would someone take the risk of losing all their invested money and their honour by stealing something and start a business on this basis?

This project is supported by a University; do you think a University approves a project in 5 minutes? Without checking how businesses and contracts are arranged? Don’t you think with this kind of project you have to persuade a jury to get their support?

If you where in the shoes of the designer and (suppose) you saw your car that was being built by someone else (suppose: without an agreement) and winning a big race, would you wait 2 weeks until the pre-order list (with a lot of orders!) is online to react and claim it has been stolen?

We find this a very sad business that all the websites are making this public without checking out the information (which is very heavy accusations and trying to destroy a young and ambitious company).

We try to handle business in a way of decency and moral ethics. Accusations, lies and jealousy are not part of that; this kind of proper business seems to be odd to some. We also want to say that websites and reporters are due to have a moral code which involves a check and double check of their sources before making any news public, we hope every reporter has done this. Spreading news that isn’t true is also illegal. We hope everyone who spread the rumour will have the decency to put this letter online.

We know who put this onto the net and we wish them a lot of luck in the future. We can only say that this is not our way of doing business and we won’t participate in that low level of business. If someone is thinking they are in their rights they can always go to court, we on the other hand try to answer on the race track and building proper cars for serious racers.

Best regards,

Aero racing

ApexSpeed 25-04-2007 03:07 PM

But you really didn't answer anything with your statement. More than anything else, a lot of hot air, really.

You're using the Durango name as well as Gerd Strenge's name as a means to promote your car. He is very adamantly saying that he has nothing to do with your company and is concerned that your car is almost identical to his design.

So you claim that you have bought the rights to the Durango. Is that true or not? Have you purchased the rights from the owner of them?

Bathy 25-04-2007 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by ApexSpeed (Post 35568)
But you really didn't answer anything with your statement. More than anything else, a lot of hot air, really.

You're using the Durango name as well as Gerd Strenge's name as a means to promote your car. He is very adamantly saying that he has nothing to do with your company and is concerned that your car is almost identical to his design.

So you claim that you have bought the rights to the Durango. Is that true or not? Have you purchased the rights from the owner of them?

I think you'll find they are pointing out that the whole story is b*llox… someone chucking mud around hoping some might stick!

Time to wish them all the best with the new venture I feel, looking forward to getting my hands on one of these cars.

ApexSpeed 25-04-2007 03:52 PM

Maybe, but they didn't discount or deny any of the allegations, either. They just answered a lot of questions with MORE questions.

In my world, that's called double-talk. We 'mericans are really good at it. ;)

Lee Martin 25-04-2007 04:01 PM

i think its best to leave it two the companies and people involved rather than to speculate....

none of us know the whole story, only the people involved....

so i think its wrong to sway opinions at this time

Lee 25-04-2007 04:05 PM

Totally agree Lee, its not really for us to be discussing on a public forum for the world to see, we do not know the facts.

Personally i think the threads should be locked until aero or mr durango clear this up officially.;)

Lee Martin 25-04-2007 04:07 PM

i wont lock the thread. people can still speak there mind. thts wat these are for....but maybe just add some consideration....

things are not always as they seem........................

Southwell 25-04-2007 04:11 PM

Agreed, although i find it easier to blame Bathy....

Lee 25-04-2007 04:13 PM

Furry Muff Mate;)

People love to knock something thats good i suppose its just the way things are nowadays.

Im sure it will all work out in the end.

jimmy 25-04-2007 04:15 PM

Pidge has the right idea, I don't want to see it locked since the original press release wasn't even on this forum - it WILL get talked about elsewhere if its not on here, so theres not much point.

Sensible input and discussion is what's needed though - not flying off the handle (from either perspective).

I think maybe there are more public statements to come - but if not we can at least discuss the things that have been stated. And unless either party asked for this discussion to stop it should really carry on. Locking a thread which could be considered unbalanced (in either direction) is not fair either.

So, let's cool it down a little since I think most people don't know the true facts behind anything that has been said - but I am sure it will all come out in due course.


DCM 25-04-2007 04:27 PM

I think clarity of the statement on the Aero website might go a long way to explaining things.

Garry 25-04-2007 04:34 PM

What statement? All there is at the moment is a mini race report:


First race gave a Tq and a first win at a UK National for Lee martin.
Congratulations to Lee!!

Lee's reaction :
"I've had my Aero for about a week now and all I can say is wow! Each time it hits the track it allows me to go faster in different sections of the track than ever before, from the first time I had driven the Aero too now it keeps excelling itself, getting faster all the time. I have to thank the car and the Aero team for being fast enough to give me my first national win at its first meeting! and with constant development i can only see it getting faster!"

If you got questions or something goes wrong with the pre-ordering just give us an e-mail and we try to sort it out as soon as possible.

Aeroracing is founded by two ambitious and experienced racers providing the
ultimate racing car that many people have been looking for. The model has
been named ‘A one’, Lee Martin will race this unique car for the first time
at the first UK National based at the Tiverton track in Devon. We want to
wish Lee a warm welcome to the team and good luck for this racing season!

BK Racing-products
E-mail info@aeroracing.eu

Not what was originally put up BTW.

ulrich 25-04-2007 04:46 PM

[QUOTE=Garry;35593]What statement? All there is at the moment is a mini race report

Could it be this??

ApexSpeed 25-04-2007 04:47 PM

I don't have a dog in this fight either way, but it's really interesting to see people post support for one side or another with very little information to base an intelligent opinion on the conflict. As was stated before, there is little factual information out there—certainly not enough for any of us to say who is right or wrong in this deal. HOWEVER, we can fill in the gaps and form opinions on this, right or wrong.

It is already a very public dispute developing, and not something stirred up by us chatty gossipers on an internet forum.

What we do know is:

1) that Durango (Gerd Strenge) designed and developed a car that has had great success, and is not sold to the public.

2) He has since sold the design and development to a larger company who intends to put it into mass production (apparently).

3) Aero racing has released a car almost identical to the Durango in most visible facets, with a few changes, while marketing their new design with the comments that they bought the "car" from Durango and Gerd Strenge, with the intent of mass production.

4) Gerd has aggressively denied selling the design to Aero Racing, and is angry at the fact that they are selling and promoting their car using his and his company's name. There seems to be more than one source for this information.

5) Aero has made a public statement to address the issue, and completely sidestepped any direct comment about the car, Gerd Strenge, their marketing, the use of the Durango designs or anything else associated with the allegations—only blaming the internet for the turmoil thrust upon them.

Frankly, there are two courts that we all deal with. One is the court of law, where this issue will undoubtedly be decided. The second has no parameters, barriers or rules, and that is the court of public opinion. You don't have to be guilty or innocent to be judged by your peers. We can all see the story unfold in front of us and figure out the travels from point A to point B.


DCM 25-04-2007 04:48 PM


Tiverton National Interviews.
Aero Racing: Bob, Kim, Danny, Cindy, Siri.

What is the relation of this car to the Durango, and why isn’t the original name used?
We bought the stuff off Gerd Strenge in January this year, although we have been developing the product for a year now. The name Durango cannot be used due to Chrylser registering this name for one of their products.
that is from Jimmy's interveiw, which actualy, when read, does not imply he bought the Durango rights, just that he bought a Durango off Gerd Strenge.

but then on another post Aero Racing states

We talked about the idea with Gerd and if he was interested selling the designs, he agreed. That's how it all started...
Reply With Quote
which implies that Gerd sold the design.

To be honest, I don't know what to beleive IS the truth, just Aero Racing need to say one story and keep to it, then we can beleive something.

Lee Martin 25-04-2007 04:59 PM

i dnt see have they have said more than one???

remeber thses are not english people so looking for perfect wording is not advised.

mattym0310 25-04-2007 05:05 PM

there is one thing. on this forum you are adament that the car is not a durango and is completely different and developed yet on your website it said it is a durango but with a different name quoted.... "Actually nothing will change except the name. SAME CAR - DIFFERENT NAME" [that was before the text was changed] also you said you werent aloud to call it a durango because of the jeep car [also suggesting it is the same car just different name]. you say... "First of all it's not a dublicate! The concept idea is the same but the car will be in graphite with alu parts . Secondly we've made a lot of changes to the car, the steering is different, major changes to the geometrie (front and rear) etc..." even after saying it is the same car. its all very confusing.
then you also say, to add to the arguement about buying rights or not buying rights, "But we don't need to defend anything I guess, we bought the rights on the car and used the concept, quite simple
We talked about the idea with Gerd and if he was interested selling the designs, he agreed. That's how it all started..."

i also just noticed gerd's name is on the pre-order list :o [but im guessing someone is putting them on to start specualtion]

im really confused, and just so you all know, i am not taking sides im just putting forward ideas and what has been said to summarise abit

BenG 25-04-2007 05:06 PM

Heres what I think has happended.

Aero Racing have show Gerd up. I mean, is he into business or what? If he sold the durnago cars, he would be loaded, instead, I belive you can order them for £1000, with a waiting list bigger than a chevrolet's bonnet.

Now AERO come along, do very well, sell 53 cars quickly, make lots of money, and he is trying to slur them.

Thats bad business. If he had done it himself, he could be loaded. AERO beat him to it, and so he has failed.

Go for it AERO, if you did buy the rights, keep going, as something like a corrupt 'businessman' should'nt stop you, I know I will be buying a AERO-ONe as soon as I get rid of my crappy MKI4 :D:D

However, if Gerd isnt corrupt, and you stole his design, (and my AERO name, I had it owned like years go on this very forum) then I would be scared, very scared, and wait till you get 53 angry 'almost' customers :mad:

And this is a very valid point 'He is also very proud that a major company in the RC industry has agreed to take the car into its programme and products'

also, can you explain this maths to me?

"We bought the stuff off Gerd Strenge in January this year, although we have been developing the product for a year now." :confused:

We want the TRUTH :mad:

Lee Martin 25-04-2007 05:11 PM

well im sure some truth will come very soon.........

i dont kno, its nothing to do with me...all im trying ot do is to stop people jumping at specualtions.....

what if someone got offered a better price once they had sold the company and then decided to resell and deny all knowldge of selling up???

there are so many things you can make up.....but who knows the truth, not us thats for sure!

BenG 25-04-2007 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by pidge (Post 35611)
there are so many things you can make up.....but who knows the truth, not us thats for sure!

If you ask me that is Truly unprofessional, arent you like their main driver? :confused:

Lee Martin 25-04-2007 05:13 PM

and how would you say thats truely unprofessional.....???

Chris Doughty 25-04-2007 05:17 PM

TYRC - what planet are you from? Lee just drives this car at the weekends how is it 'un-pro' for him not to know the inside workings of the company?

I don't know what is going on, neither am I going to read into statements from 2 'sides' where english is not their first language.

let them bash it out in German behind closed doors and then lets read about it after.

Lee Martin 25-04-2007 05:18 PM

thanks chris......

well put!!!

ApexSpeed 25-04-2007 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by DoughtyUK.net (Post 35614)
let them bash it out in German behind closed doors and then lets read about it after.

I want Pay-Per-View! Who needs closed doors? ;)


jimmy 25-04-2007 05:30 PM

TYRC's post is the most random thing I've ever seen, attacking both sides in an equally savage manner.

This is the danger of letting people who know nothing about the situation loose on a keyboard for their minds to go WILD. :o

Rob Fitzgerald 25-04-2007 05:31 PM

"Freddie Starr ate my hamster"

someone said it so it must be true :rolleyes:

Northy 25-04-2007 05:33 PM

I am the meat

ApexSpeed 25-04-2007 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by jimmy (Post 35641)
TYRC's post is the most random thing I've ever seen, attacking both sides in an equally savage manner.

Hey, schizophreniacs can have computers, too. :D

DCM 25-04-2007 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by pidge (Post 35611)
well im sure some truth will come very soon.........

i dont kno, its nothing to do with me...all im trying ot do is to stop people jumping at specualtions.....

what if someone got offered a better price once they had sold the company and then decided to resell and deny all knowldge of selling up???

there are so many things you can make up.....but who knows the truth, not us thats for sure!

I think that is about right, none of us know what really has gone on, one way or the other, maybe they are both fibbing or not telling the whole truth. In the end, the company I feel sorry for, is the company who isn't named, who has 'bought it' and now see's this.

xx4-nutter 25-04-2007 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by www.tyrc.co.uk (Post 35610)
We want the TRUTH :mad:


:D :D :D :D :D

Take homers advice on this one mate :)

" You want the truth !, YOU WANT THE TRUTH !! YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH !, COS WHEN YOU REACH OVER AND PUT YOURE HAND INTO A PILE OF GOO THAT WAS YOURE BEST FRIENDS FACE ! * palms to chest, fingers upright lol * youll know what to do !. FOR GET IT TYRC ITS CHINA TOWN !! " Homer j. simpson


i think the car is cool by the way...... just add that little one lol

Garry D.

MATTY 25-04-2007 06:27 PM


mattym0310 25-04-2007 06:38 PM

HAHA! :p :D

Funkymojo 25-04-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by www.tyrc.co.uk (Post 35612)
If you ask me that is Truly unprofessional, arent you like their main driver? :confused:

tyrc..i don't think you're making much sense. Lee just drives the car, that's it!! He is not a shareholder/business partner of Aero Racing. What goes behind close doors when Aero Racing's business is concerned has got nothing to do with Lee. Ask any factory sponsored drivers and they'll tell you that their job is to only drive and win races and that they are in no way involved in any of the company's business happenings or dealings...so why call Lee unprofessional? I feel that you should understand the situation more before calling others unprofessional...

BenG 25-04-2007 07:23 PM

Sorry, I guess sometimes I do talk gibberish sometimes.

Guess it was the 2 week old melted ice cream I ate the other day.

I wil still be buying one of these cars, dont get me wrong. If, I can get rid of my crappy MKi4.

I also do have skitszophrenia, I try not to let pualo get the best of me, sometimes he escapes and makes me speel bad and talk crap ;)

Adam Skelding 25-04-2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Northy (Post 35645)
I am the meat

Oh how I laughed...

Just Polishing of some pepsi max..... Do you need the bottle?

bert digler 25-04-2007 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Adam Skelding (Post 35687)
Oh how I laughed...

Just Polishing of some pepsi max..... Do you need the bottle?

and i thought i caused trouble im an amatuer compared to th is dude:D

jimmy 25-04-2007 07:54 PM

An updated and thorough statement from Gerd Strenge in reply to Aeros statement.


bert digler 25-04-2007 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by jimmy (Post 35713)
An updated and thorough statement from Gerd Strenge in reply to Aeros statement.


i think thats case closed he bought the rights far play at least we all have chance to own an aero:yawn:

Adam Skelding 25-04-2007 08:01 PM


Best let these guys battle it out....

Hope somenone has enough $$$ for a solictitors bill..

Don't hassle the Pidge about it though. He only drives the car and wears his hat a a jaunty angle....

Adam Skelding 25-04-2007 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by bert digler (Post 35721)
i think thats case closed he bought the rights far play at least we all have chance to own an aero:yawn:

Re-read the post.....

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