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David Church 16-04-2012 07:07 PM

Help me please?
A while back I was watching some motor racing on tv and the commentator used a word to describe when 1 car follows another car into a crash. Many of us have done this at one time or another, and there is a word to describe this. Now I don't mean 2 cars crashing together, I mean 2 cars going around not too far apart, the car in front crashes and the car behind has the same crash.
I have used tractor beam in the past to describe this, but I would really like to find out what this word is. I did as many people last weekend at the National, but none knew, some of those people I asked think they are very clever as well Lol.

So over to you my fellow oOpler's, does anyone have the answer?



mark christopher 16-04-2012 07:18 PM

its called a shitter, common after effects are lots of skid marks :lol:

Dudders 16-04-2012 07:32 PM

Edited, I'm wrong!

No. 46 16-04-2012 07:35 PM

crashing in sympathy or synchronised crashing?

Karting 16-04-2012 07:40 PM

I know in banger racing (1/1 scale) its called 'following in'

Dudders 16-04-2012 07:43 PM

Karting, that's what I thought, but not in this case.

Dave, could it be Kinetic Engery?

David Church 16-04-2012 07:44 PM

I'm thinking when the right word is found, it can be put in wikipedia or a dictionary type website and it will give the proper definition.
Keep trying folks :thumbsup:

Dudders 16-04-2012 07:45 PM



tisher 16-04-2012 07:46 PM

Its called Rear Ending !!!!!!OOOHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH:lol::lol:

mattybucks 16-04-2012 07:46 PM

I think the best term from now on would be "and (insert name here) has just Dave Church'd it".

David Church 16-04-2012 07:54 PM

Some good guesses, and some good jokes:woot: but still not found the word.

tisher 16-04-2012 07:59 PM


David Church 16-04-2012 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by tisher (Post 644840)

Drafting or slipstreaming is a technique where two vehicles or other moving objects are caused to align in a close group reducing the overall effect of drag due to exploiting the lead object's slipstream. Especially when high speeds are involved, as in motor racing and cycling, drafting can significantly reduce the paceline's average energy expenditure required to maintain a certain speed and can also slightly reduce the energy expenditure of the lead vehicle or object.

When we find the right word we will find a definition that fits!
This is the first racing term so far!

ghostdogg 16-04-2012 08:17 PM

Brain fade!

Naushad 16-04-2012 08:22 PM

Is this like when you play super mario kart and you get a boost from tailing a driver!!:woot:

Frecklychimp 17-04-2012 12:22 AM

'Chain incident' or a 'chain crash'?

Have heard 'following in' and 'crashing in sympathy' being used in full size Motorsport.

How about 'cloning'? 'clone wreck'?


David Church 17-04-2012 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Frecklychimp (Post 644938)
'Chain incident' or a 'chain crash'?

Have heard 'following in' and 'crashing in sympathy' being used in full size Motorsport.

How about 'cloning'? 'clone wreck'?


All very good ways to describe this!

But they used a word to describe a car following another into an accident, then said that word was used to describe such an incident.

I should have written it down eh Lol

Briangb 17-04-2012 06:06 AM

There are many reasons why this happens in motorsport. Often the second driver is distracted for a nano second, misses his breaking/turn in point, goes in too deep, too late, gets off line, on the dirty stuff. Bang!! When he gets back to the pits, he is often heard to say,'I HAD NOWHERE TO GO'.
However, better drivers will have their eye on the corner, preparing for a manouvre on the driver in front, or merely doing the job and watching their lines.. I believe the term you are looking for is 'Oh S**t!!'

GRIFF55 17-04-2012 07:16 AM

I always thought it was called 'STANT'ing :lol:

Then again after this past weekend it may have to change to 'BAV'ing

David Church 17-04-2012 01:49 PM

Great answer Griff!!!

But none have the correct answer/word??? What did happen???
Aw come on man, I wana use it when commentating!!!!

eyeayen 17-04-2012 02:27 PM

What were you watching ? Is it not repeated on one of the other channels ? Is it on You Tube. And who was the commentator ? Is it a word they've made up and now use regularly ?

The 'following in' term is one I've heard a lot but nothing else ? Can't imagine what it was.

David Church 17-04-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by eyeayen (Post 645132)
What were you watching ? Is it not repeated on one of the other channels ? Is it on You Tube. And who was the commentator ? Is it a word they've made up and now use regularly ?

The 'following in' term is one I've heard a lot but nothing else ? Can't imagine what it was.

All very good questions, answer, can't remember haha.

It was on road full size car racing, but that's about all I remember, I did make a mental note of the word, but that soon left me haha

eyeayen 17-04-2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by David Church (Post 645138)
It was on road full size car racing, but that's about all I remember

Oh well that narrows it down considerably, if you type on road full size car racing into you tube I'm sure you'll find it in no time, can't be many to go through :lol:

David Church 17-04-2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by eyeayen (Post 645150)
Oh well that narrows it down considerably, if you type on road full size car racing into you tube I'm sure you'll find it in no time, can't be many to go through :lol:

Now why didn't I think of that???:lol::D

russmini 17-04-2012 03:15 PM

I know what you're saying, i've certainly heard an expression at some point, but can't think what it was at mo, although there is...

'Being drawn in' which I can remember to describe such an event....

Adam Talbot 17-04-2012 03:28 PM

in bike racing we call it running out of tallent!:thumbsup:

Dudders 17-04-2012 03:40 PM

Sympathy crash?

Chequered Flag Racing 17-04-2012 03:57 PM

try here


David Church 17-04-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Chequered Flag Racing (Post 645176)

Nice find, looking through it now!!!

Neil Skull 17-04-2012 04:19 PM


David Church 17-04-2012 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Neil Skull (Post 645185)


Looked through the list, a lot of definitions there, but not the one I was looking for:cry:

GRIFF55 17-04-2012 04:54 PM

I told you what it was:lol:

eyeayen 17-04-2012 05:42 PM

I reckon you nodded off, dreamt it and now we're all chasing something that isn't there... :D

David Church 17-04-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by eyeayen (Post 645219)
I reckon you nodded off, dreamt it and now we're all chasing something that isn't there... :D

This is possible!

You see I used to have a real problem with my memory.......It's all better now.......I forgot all about it!:thumbsup:

Mike2222 17-04-2012 07:00 PM

Have you had one of these ' concertina' crashes then ?

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