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-   -   Whats the difference between inboard & outboard toe in? (http://www.oople.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3948)

gramey 01-06-2007 09:09 PM

Whats the difference between inboard & outboard toe in?
:confused: I got the optional rear uprights and toe blocks for my D4 today but what effect does it have altering the outboard as opposed to inboard toe in or vice versa?:confused:

gramey 03-06-2007 09:28 PM

:eh?: Anyone know the answer to this one please?:eh?:

terry.sc 03-06-2007 10:51 PM

Running inboard toe in generally gives more forward traction, so giving more rear grip for the same amount of toe in under power, but it will cause the weight to transfer to the front end easier which increases off-power steering and decreases on-power steering. This means inboard toe will give more steering into the corner and less steering coming out. This greater weight transfer also means on the limit it will break traction more abrubtly.

Outboard toe reduces the weight transfer, which gives less forward traction, less turn in and more steering coming out of the corner. As outboard toe gives less weight transfer the handling is more predictable and the rear doesn't break away on the limit as quickly and is easier to control.

As inboard toe moves the wheels forwards and backwards as well as up and down it can have strange effects on the handling on bumpy tracks, where outboard toe is much more consistent.

gramey 04-06-2007 06:57 PM

:) Thanks for that, it'll just help me know what to expect when trying different set ups with the rear blocks and uprights.:)

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