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-   -   Pay for Trade access? bad idea? (http://www.oople.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107941)

jimmy 14-08-2012 11:03 PM

Pay for Trade access? bad idea?
For some that don't know, I'll be putting more time into oOple next year - however it works out. And I want to constantly make it better.

The 'for sale' section is pretty popular and having experienced ebay recently - it reminds how stupidly high the fees they charge are.
I wondered what people would think of paying something like £5 for a years access to post in this section (reply via PM, or browsing wouldn't be any different to how it is now) - this would be to:

1: stop scammers from posting stuff up and give added protection - they don't want to spend £5, and I'd still be checking new members even if they did.

2: keep things civil and have the seriously interested only from posting - rather than testing the waters etc. You'd still have to obey by the rules - mainly the 7 day rule of not reposting your advert (spamming) like a maniac.

3: let me give some tshirts and hoodies to the boys that help maintain the section and pay for the hosting and re-development of the website.

I've always been happy for CLUBS to have either a specific advert thread or adverts in their own club forum for members of the club selling to other club members - this is only sensible and is up to the moderator of the club themselves to decide if they want that sort of thing in their section and how best to maintain it (a single thread would possibly be best - sticky'd to the top of the forum).

It's just an idea - at the moment I like how popular it is and I absolutely don't want to drive people away and I don't think people should have to pay to advertise. It's been suggested and I thought I'd gauge reaction.

Personally I'm not sure - the safety aspect and keeping it more sane (if people pay even a small fee they won't want to behave silly) are benefits - but I see a big drawback in what's essentially been a popular part of the site for years.

I'm torn!

Don't be afraid to say it's crap and you'll go elsewhere. :lol::thumbsup:

Nas 15-08-2012 12:19 AM

I think it's a brilliant idea. It will keep the sale section clean and safe.

I was maybe thinking you could have membership thing.
So members pay like £10.00 a year and they get access to the oople chat room(i can see that getting popular!)or sale section,Oople reports/photos and they could custom their status thingy you know the senior member thing.
My final idea was members could be entered into a oople raffle once every 6 months were you can win a oople shirt or decals,something small.Non members would still get normal access to the forum but without the things mentioned above.

What do you think?


sime46 15-08-2012 01:24 AM

I'd happily pay. It's a good way of keeping the trouble makers out who only join these things to spoil it for others. True supporters of the site would all pay for access I'd have thought. If ultimately it benefits the running of the site and secures its future it can only be a good thing. I for one would be lost without it. Made some decent mates on here.

Origineelreclamebord 15-08-2012 04:50 AM

I very much appreciate that this community in itself is free, and I think that really should stay that way.

However, for sales... well, there is allready money involved from two parties: I don't see harm in adding a third party (oOple) with a fee once a year. I would only use the fee for sellers though, not for buyers - I'd be put off by that because though I sometimes buy something from oOple, on average I don't spend a lot of money here (not yet anyway) :p

Oh, and am I right there was a 'Donate' button on the site a few years back? :confused: I've been a member for a while now, and in the recent months/year I've been pretty active on oOple and I'm really having a great time here! For me, that's worth something, but it takes some time to find out. For me a month or so back it felt like I wanted to donate something... but I couldn't find a button like this! I know it's not the most efficient way of getting a monetary reward for all your input and effort for this community, but perhaps you could add that feature to the fees for the sales section? If someone is making a payment to you anyway, I think more people would be tempted to make a donation...

And another few questions... First of all, I saw a thread of 'For Sale and Wanted (NL/BE only) in the Belgian forums... How will you keep those topics up (because they are very handy) yet keep all people from switching to those topics for their sales?

Secondly, you see an ad-like topic in the wrong place every now and then... how will you handle that? People have to stick by the rules and you'd like to prevent people from taking a peek what life's like on/over the edge... However, you don't want to introduce military regimes to keep people in check (especially since oOple has such an easy going and fun atmosphere)... How do you keep things loose, informal and fun when there is actually money involved? :eh?:

Sparky 15-08-2012 05:49 AM

The trade section on racechat was well used until they started charging for access, now there is tumble weeds blowing through there.

Having said that tamiya club trade area is well used, but there the fees give you a hole lot more (showroom etc).

Keep it free but make the donate button appear.


danDanEFC 15-08-2012 06:19 AM

The fiver per year for sellers is a good idea.

Rich D 15-08-2012 06:45 AM

The Paypal address for donations towards the upkeep and running costs of the site is


h0m3sy 15-08-2012 06:47 AM

Speaking as someone who was scammed this year, I would welcome any moves to make the for sale section safer. I'm sure most people wouldn't mind paying a once a year fee for this. I like the sound of Nasir's suggestion too. Food for thought Jimmy.

Naushad 15-08-2012 07:27 AM

I totally agree with this....in the spirit of the internet try to keep it free!!:)

If clubs held events with some profits from registration etc.. going from Oople, this may help to cover admin costs? Not sure how this relates to the economics
of running a club though..

Scammers are a problem....maybe tighten more on the rules here....posting limit, pictures 100% essential otherwise post deleted.

Though, if push came to shove, I would be happy to pay a fee..


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 684533)
The trade section on racechat was well used until they started charging for access, now there is tumble weeds blowing through there.

Having said that tamiya club trade area is well used, but there the fees give you a hole lot more (showroom etc).

Keep it free but make the donate button appear.


danharding 15-08-2012 07:35 AM

£5 a year seems fine to me, already pay that on UK-microRC for membership which supports the forum and lets you sell stuff.
I've donated once before, paying £5 a year just means I get reminded to give some money to the forum. :thumbsup:

jim76 15-08-2012 07:48 AM

i've sold lots of stuff through oople and would be happy to pay £5 per year. Cheaper than ebay fees on one sale usually!

As mentioned before, a lot of people may abandon the section due to an annual fee if they are only a lite user.
Would it possible to have an annual membership for unlimited use, and then maybe a £1 per transaction fee for those that only sell one or two items per year?

john333 15-08-2012 07:50 AM

I would have no problem at all paying £5 per year to buy or sell. Most other forums I've been on over the years run a similar system, or one where you pay a fee to get extra features as nasir said.

£5 per year is less than a pair of tyres ;-)

gainsy 15-08-2012 07:55 AM

Just as a example
If you sold a motor on ebay for £50 then 10% would be taken by ebay as a final sellers fee, add to that the insertion fee & then paypals cut(not sure on amount) i would say you would get about £44 in total, so that's £6 lost in 1 transaction
Pay a fiver & get to advertise as many items as you like for free all year on oople is a great idea
Would be happy to pay this

Getpip 15-08-2012 08:01 AM

I have bought and sold a few items.
Sometimes it has worked well sometimes not.
Part of the reason people use the section is because it's a free alternative to eBay. If it stops being so many will start looking elsewhere.
Whilst £5 doesn't seem a huge amount I think you risk driving traffic away.
I am not an expert but ultimately isn't revenue derived from traffic?
Great as oople is I don't think attempting to charge users is the way forward.

I don't think I'd pay it. Soz.

Moozo 15-08-2012 08:02 AM

Who can not afford 10p per week or even 20p for the use of this site that every member use's at least once a week.....for me i'm on here every day and would welcome any fee, membership or traders fee.

Like the membership fee idea better stops any numpty's from joining trying to scam honest people from there hard earned cash and personal possessions.


MikePimlott 15-08-2012 08:02 AM

Good idea Jimmy!

Implement it right away! Lets get them reports uploaded :lol:

Getpip 15-08-2012 08:05 AM

Oops double post.

RobW 15-08-2012 08:13 AM

Struggling not to get splinters sitting on the fence on this one.

I’m all for the internet being as free as it can be but somebody has to pay for the hosting and other stuff I don’t really understand.

I spend far too much time on here – laughing at peoples inane posts and arguments, getting really useful advise and buying/selling so I’d happily pay £5. I also know I should donate some money but never quite get round to it - donation is on its way to you now Jimmy because I have just had a bit of a guilt trip.:blush:

How difficult/bureaucratic would it be to have a voluntary £5 or £10 “membership” fee that was highlighted in your profile so you were listed as a “Oople Supporter” or something similar? Might create a bit of peer pressure amongst us all to make sure we remember to help out a little for such a great resource. If you do not want to pay, then fine, but if you use this site a lot don’t be surprised when we all start calling you a tight wad!! If you are a newbie or light user then fine, don’t pay.


john333 15-08-2012 08:14 AM

Just away from the trade section, there can't be many (probably no one!) who doesn't look forward to the latest report coming online, so if this tiny amount of money per year made the reports bigger, better and more regular it's got to be worth it?

bodgit 15-08-2012 08:16 AM

I think its a great idea. There are too many people who post only in the for sale section to save themselves ebay and paypal fee's. I know one person with over 130 posts all in the for sale section and one in trader feedback.
Ebay charge listing fee's final fee's and then by the time paypal take their cut you could be looking at £5 or more costs on just one item making oOple at just £5 for a whole year unlimited sale posts a bargin.
People know the costs of ebay so would still know the bargin oOple £5 fee would offer.

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