Thread: Faster ?
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Old 23-05-2011
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Default Faster ?

Hi Guys,

I try and ask this on the Friday nights, buy it's always so busy, I just don't get the time to ask properly.

How do I go faster?

At the moment I seem to be top B, bottom A. but there is a 1-2 lap gap between me and the top A finisher. I've watched the top A drivers, and I can't see how on earth I can get that extra speed. I know not crashing will help, but normally (I think LOL) I don't need a marshal to many times. The top A finishers are just FAST to watch. They seem to be able to just go round corners at silly speeds.

I want to catch up, but how?

This is a serious question, so some solid help would be good

Many thanks.
Rob, Yellow Cougar.
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