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Old 06-10-2011
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Originally Posted by sunbeam View Post
This is funny, I've been reading along with you all.

I've been flying 50 sized 3D nitro heli's (and others) for years, and this 'delay thing' happens ALL the time, including people saying I can't fly until this new model comes out !

You can read of people hearing about the next best thing, selling everything they have in readiness, then waiting for months or years for this next 'best' model to be on sale.

One manufacture took nearly 3 years to come to the market, and all they kept saying was 'very soon'. It became a big joke in the end. The model took so long to come out that all the things that made it great (on paper) were out of date by the time it hit the shops. When it did become available, it was found NOT to be the best thing ever by some, but just another nice heli !

It was very funny to read about the people that had sold off all there gear and had nothing to fly, thinking it was only another two weeks to go. What was funnier was reading of the people that had bought brand new gear costing about £1500 ready for this new air frame. Only to find the model took so long to come out that all the warranty had passed on there 'new' gear !!!

There was endless speculation of release dates, by shops and people that thought they were 'in the know'. The forums were spitting nails for month after month and FULL of flyer's saying "I have nothing to fly until this model comes out" !!

I don't understand ?

Why didn't these people just keep what they had until the newer model was on there table, built, THEN swap over all the bits or buy the new stuff at that point. All the old gear, if it needed to go, could then be sold off and get some money back ! That way, they could keep flying.

( or racing, if you get my meaning ? )

Maybe they couldn't afford to and wanted to get the money first?

The above quote has never been a problematic issue in 10th off-road racing in my experience.. Durango have been good at keeping people up to date.

What has been evident though recently is some other rc companies not keeping their prospective customers up to date and numerous early orders cancelled. If a problem crops up that delays the release of a product the feeling and comments i've heard from racers is just let them know! Its more unlikely that orders will be cancelled if they know whats happening even if its going to take longer. - Keeping people hanging on just leads to frustration and they'll probably look elsewhere!

Last edited by James; 06-10-2011 at 12:02 PM.
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