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Old 16-03-2012
mattr mattr is offline
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Originally Posted by tisher View Post
My Wages have not gone up in six years in fact they have gone down if you ask most people the top graph is bollocks
Its an ONS graph, so its not "bollocks", it just doesn't agree with you, and your situation. Its national average salary (probably, only including full timers, that's one of the standard rules they use) adjusted by RPI. So the payrises you personally have had over the last 6 years are utterly totally irrelevant, unless you know exactly how the RPI has moved over the same period. (generally up, the amount is subject to much debate!)

TBH, if you ask "most people" or the "man in the street", you have a fairly good chance of ending up with someone who doesn't have the faintest idea what the RPI is, or how it works, or even what statistics are. Or Mathematics. :/
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