Thread: new amb system
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Old 28-10-2012
Oli_M Oli_M is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 33

We visited MyLaps headquarters in the Netherlands when we were over there for the Worlds earlier in the year. Got to tour the facility and had a detailed presentation about what they were planning in the future.

The info we received at that time was that, yes there is a new style of transponder and decoder on the way soon, but the existing PTs (original red PTs) will continue to be supported by the new system - they acknowledged that a lot of people out there already had the original transponders and would be a terrible idea if those no longer were compatible!

The "new" system will offer an additional digit (so you can keep the same number for all your cars, but identify each one separately - useful when practising in particular). The current models of PT will be detected, but just won't have this extra function.

So either someone's got the wrong end of the stick here, or MyLaps have significantly changed their strategy in the last 3 months!
Oli Meggitt
Essex Winter Series | Mugen Seiki | Tonisport | LRP | Racing Link
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