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Old 17-12-2012
TARTMAN's Avatar
Mad Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Ash, Near Guildford
Posts: 1,841
Default yep

Its really annoyed me. not the quality, customer service, the cars etc etc, LOVE schumacher. totally.

To just have a hole drilled where its not wanted, has truly peed me off. ALOT.

Hence this posting and an email to them to ask why they decided it was a good idea?

I HATE having a hole where its not needed in a shell. I have bought a used shell before, with a hole where it was not needed and thats fine of course.
This is a NEW shell. on a NEW car. Why they decided that i have to have a hole where they decided an antenna should be. well? WHY>??

This is a thread asking why they did it and who agrees/disagrees with it i guess.

I am amazed they have done it. and annoyed to as you can all tell.

I have had no problems with Schumacher since coming back racing 16 months ago and there customer service and cars are awsome. But this one thing, yes, a hole, has soured my taste alot. It just makes NO sence AT ALL they would drill a hole in the shell in a place that they think everyone wants one when SOOOO many would not want it.

I hate it. REALLY hate it.

As i said, if you bought a new electric 1:1 car and they put a hole where the fuel should go in, but as its electric its not needed, but the hole was still there, would you say, oh well. stick a decal over it, no, you would be rather peed off i would think, as its toally not required!

I have had an amaizing Gainsy graphic paint job done on my shells for the 2013 season. the SV2(no extra holes), the SX3(no extra holes) and the Supastox(no extra holes).......... now the K1, and its got a damn hole where it is NOT needed!

, Team Xray,
Team Gainsy Graphics, DPP Racing

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