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Old 28-05-2013
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AC199 AC199 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 402

Jesus, one little comment soon brings the nutters out of the woodwork doesn't it.

Thanks for your comments, but please do us a favour and stop posting about how awesome you are. We dont need it. I think its brilliant that you ran a club, I think its awesome that you have your finger on the pulse, but really, unless the club you ran was YORCC and you ran it last week, I'm not in the slightest bit interested in your pearly wisdom.

We have our own ideas about how to resolve these issues, and we will implement them in due course. If they work, great, if they dont, well we're all big boys and girls, I'm sure we could think of a few more to try...

Please feel free to go and bother another club, because its like this fella.

1. No 2 clubs are the same
2. No 2 people are the same
3. It wasnt better in your day, it was different

Thanks for posting, but its time to leave.

Bye bye now.

Thanks to Gray @ 01 and Alex @ Moss Models for being a pair of legends and supporting their local clubs!

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