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Old 10-02-2014
Jim Spencer Jim Spencer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 85

Originally Posted by andys View Post
Spot on
Or it would be if the initial statement you were confirming the interpretation of was correct

While it's true that there are a considerable number of 'labelled' cells there are quite a few manufacturers of the 'nasty bit' too now-a-days, well into double figures I'm lead to believe

Plus of course the quality of the case is a key point.

The checks done are to confirm that the cell in question meets the dimensional rules - but most importantly is accurate to the paperwork submitted with it and it wouldn't be the first time if one wasn't.

However the fix - if any of you have bought, or are thinking of buying these should be simple:-

Write to the supplier and give them a good kicking for not submitting them, if they still don't do it then, for the sake of £40, there must be a question mark over why not IMHO
None of that paperwork is onerous, they should have it all in place simply to sell the product here.

Or to put it simply:-

Ask the question of the people doing this wrong, not the ones doing it right..
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