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Old 10-03-2014
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Steve1973 Steve1973 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Hampshire
Posts: 124

Originally Posted by bobbin View Post
It was great even if it was like running on sandpaper, sanded off the spikes on two sets of rears but was worth it.
I tried running all sorts during the day to save burning through the yellows, but none of it worked and I got totally frustrated. Still had a better run in the last round, once on the right tyres and should have won the b but for some daft driving as usual. Still, proud that Tom showed some good speed in the a final and made his way up from 10 to 5th and Alex led his final before breaking down. It's great to see more juniors turning up and making a race of it every week! All good fun, hope the weather holds for the next one!
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