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Old 05-11-2014
Dr Fly Dr Fly is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: South Wales
Posts: 239

It actually makes my brain hurt, the AGM has been and gone, and this thread just wont die.

If only people put half the amount of effort into writing well thought out proposals, attending the AGMs, and contributing to the sport in a productive way, rather than taking to these forums to criticize a system which is run by volunteers, who give up a lot of time for no other reason than to give you guys something to do on a Sunday.

For those of you who are calling for web streamed AGM's and online voting. Great, good idea, are you also going to volunteer to give up lots of free time to implement it? in a secure way that cant be cheated? and fund the network infrastructure which supports it? You can always propose it at the next agm, but all you will be doing is providing a gigantic headache to the current committee. It may be a suprise to you, but the whole sport is run on a very small budget, and an incredible amount of goodwill by a dedicated few. So for those of you calling for this, i look forward to seeing your project plan, you can send it to me at

Its not the first time this has been said, but the BRCA and the 1/10th section are not just a faceless corporate entity, they are just a bunch of guys trying to make the sport as good as it can be. I have the pleasure of knowing most of them (Hi Bish)

The question of the hobbyking cells safety record is kind of irrelevant, I used some of there cells for club, and i was impressed. But if you removed the battery lists, that would open up the possibility of any unscrupulous Chinese (other countries are available) companies to make even cheaper cells which certainly could be a safety worry. It may be unlikely, but its food for thought. the point is that a line needs to be drawn somehow, and this is the line that we have. Any suggestions on a new line?

AN easy fix for this whole scenario would be for the importer to get the hobbyking cell certified. Its not a cost issue, so why havent they done so? I guarantee that not a single person has tried to lobby them with the same passion that i have seen here. From what i know of hobbyking, you will be completely ignored.

So please, and this is a direct plea, next time some of you feel like mounting a high horse, and putting the world to rights, please consider that our whole community is held together by some pretty selfless guys, who give up significant amounts of time so that you all have somewhere to go and have fun on a sunday. And some of these rules that you don't really agree with, are an added layer of protection for them.

Tom Owen
Wales regional rep, un-sponsored, and I drive a Losi, (don't hold that against me)

TLR 22-4 2.0, TLR 22 5.0 AC Elite,

Kindly Supported by Trackside Spares, TLR, Spektrum and Horizon Hobby
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