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Old 05-01-2015
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discostu discostu is offline
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I bought my 3 as the 2.4 ko version that was crap and didn't bind when asked to I then switched it to 40mhz I had a ko Mars r steer wheel set and receiver I used the module from that it was fault less for years I then purchased a spectrum mod and receivers and had nothing but trouble

I recon it has to do with the response of the set and the spectrum it seem to be better once slowed down in the menu ultra, super and whatever the others were I can't remover now

You could try a handset recalibrate function 18 in the menu basically go into that menu press the recalibrate and go fill throttle full break full left and full right you will see a number if I rember correctly once done press ok.

It's gotta be worth a try before spending out

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