Thread: Kf issues
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Old 09-06-2015
steveproracing steveproracing is offline
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Posts: 493

Had trouble with my kf2 initially. I built as shorty car and no matter what I did it would just kick out under power. I tried every trick I know inc squat toe in shocks springs ride height wheelbase etc etc. then I did what I should have done in the first place ( and something I always do when I loose touch with a cars setup.). I went back to kit setup. Entirely. Removed all hop ups. Used kit oil kit springs castor blocks and most importantly saddle pack layout. Problem solved. Car was instantly drivable. I've now honed my setup to a sweet spot for me that I can adjust to the track conditions easily. If anyone was at the me regional this last weekend they will testify that grip was very low in places and it was hard to get the power down. I actually felt I had an advantage over many people as I didn't feel to be struggling for grip anywhere. My car was amazing. I was less so, but that's another story. For those wishing a setup sheet just pm me.
Moss Models
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