Thread: GT12 Help..
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Old 28-07-2015
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SlowOne and Xracer have made very interesting comments and I wholeheartedly embrace what both of them have said.

Going back to my pal who recently went to West Kent and raced the club mini, proceeded to buy an SS and raced, if I'm honest with very little success. He has loved every single minute of the experience but interestingly two things have come out of it...

He regrets buying the SS (hasn't said it, but I can tell) it has been a problem child from the very outset. He purchased the starter set from Schumacher with the core RC esc etc to get him going. Yes it got him up and running but it came at much angst not knowing the ropes with many very irritating traites the car has/had. Tonight I am just back from building his newly purchased Zen, yes him too, and he said whilst we installed the electrics, (the second thing) he is hoping this car provides some consistency in performance and its reliability to perform to a standard that will allow him to build some confidence.

I suppose my point is, Zen and Mardave have to be recommended by the people who have been in this GT12 class for a significant time, SSGT is not for newbies, they simply handle like a dog until they are hopped up to any level. Anybody who says otherwise is kidding themselves. Zen on the other hand, yet to try mine yet, certainly appears to be different.

New blood into this hobby is key as with any interest, why make a product that does not embrace newbies and makes it uphill from the outset. So far, Zen and Mardave by the sounds of it do the opposite.

Let's try and flatline all drivers with the equipment and make it true driving only. Schumacher have got too technical in my opinion, nobody wants a car that has ridiculous amount of setups and options. Out the box, on the track and get stuck in. I know my newbie pal will be buzzing by the end of Thursday night at Maritime, not because he has setup ylhis car perfectly but merely purchased a product that allows him to enjoy the sport and see a way to improving his driving.

I truly have found a hobby that delivers total escapism from my work life and I am extremely grateful I have GT12 in my life, not everyone has persistence and drive to get better, I just wonder how many people GT12 has lost due to the SSGT being the car most recommended. I love/loved my SSGT but I wouldn't want to go back to the beginning and have to plough through all the options and find out what they will do for me. No way, not for me....

Roll on Thursday.....!!
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