Thread: Class numbers ?
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Old 09-05-2017
popmonkey69 popmonkey69 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Nuneaton
Posts: 43
Default Class numbers ?

Morning all, thinking of starting back up after a 22 year lay off from racing and can't decide what class to look at.....

I've raced 1/10 electric buggies 2wd/4wd
1/10 electric stadium trucks
1/10 IC touring car

Then after quitting I've had a few that I've just messed around with
1/8th IC rallycross
1/10th F1 electric
1/10th IC and electric stadium truck
1/10th electric on road
1/10th electric off road 2 and 4wd

I can't seem to pick a favourite though ha ha

Is there many 1/10 electric stadium truck racers at Coventry or is it best to go the short course route ?

Or any 1/8th electric Rallycross ?


Driver whos way past it
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