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Old 22-12-2011
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ASKay ASKay is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Southsea
Posts: 254
Default So here goes some fun maths.... don't shout if i got it wrong! :)

Next thing we will be buying wind tunnels for our cars, and designing via CFD at £15K a pop. Do you really get significant enough down force at the speeds we are talking about, on the straight I can image we do, but then that is the place that we least want it (DRS a particularly good example).... On the corners the resulting force (I have not worked this…. Yet….) is probably not a great deal of Newton’s, however maybe this might put it into presective.

Car travelling at 45Mph
This is 72.42Km/h
Therefore 20.11667 m/s
Area of the aero device is (model car windscreen) 60mm * 80mm
Therefore H= 80E-3 high by W=60E-3 wide in meters
We do not know the Co-ef of friction for the car so assume it is a perfect 1
Air density at sea level around 1.2
Angle of attatck of the aero surface 30 degrees therefore 0.52 radians

So one method works via F (in Newtons) = 0.5*(L*W*AoA)* ρ*F*V^2

Therefore F=0.5*80*10^-3*60*10^-3*0.52*1.2*1*20.11667^2

If we solve this F = 0.60N so 0.06Kg Force which if you divi by two wheels assuming its is all loading over the front equates to 0.03KgF…

Not a great deal of benefit, but then I guess you are taking what little downforce you have, and are simply moving it towards the front wheels rather than rear ones….. so I hope I got the sums right, but it think the following

I think the body is all about aesthetics and I am not a fan of the cab forward shells, however it would be nice to see a SX3 shell with kind lines, I have a love hate relationship with my current SX3 shell.... Therefore think the Finnisher is nice and I would get one...
SX3, DEX410R, Cougar SV, DEX210, SC10 4x4, Tamiya Top Force
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