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jhammond 29-07-2013 04:05 PM


budfish 29-07-2013 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by losichris (Post 792567)
I think we all know what features need attention.
All of them...
Quads do not work.
Cross in middle is too agressive and unpredictable.
Step up step off is absolutely rubbish and looks like a 8 yr old sculpted it.
Banked corner on the right side end of straight is useless.
And the top left corner is too narrow and close to the fence.

Clubs are finding ways to build tracks from scratch.
We have the space for an amazing track.
Money is sitting around waiting to be spent.
BMRCC used to be a top level club, now its a basher club that doesnt care.
The track needs changing..lets do it!

Well said mate I agree with the lot

woOdy 29-07-2013 04:37 PM

Thanks for ALL the nice comments of the track I designed and built. Friends.:thumbsup:

budfish 29-07-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by woOdy (Post 792605)
Thanks for ALL the nice comments of the track I designed and built. Friends.:thumbsup:

Come on stu don't play the martyr no ones having a go at you the track didnt exactly turn out as the design you did.

Pitman Ed 29-07-2013 05:20 PM

You know what guys, you're very harsh on your club and its track. Many clubs wish they had something approaching it!
It gave you something to race on the last couple of years, and you can improve it relatively easily. But it was a start, and let's be thankful to the person(s) who made it possible. I helped to design and build the old track (and several before that at Sunny Bank) the resources we had then were unbelievable; it was a great track.

I've attended every National this year with Luke and Josh - some good tracks. But you know what - several people were moaning and criticising all of them! That's life.

Best thing to do, having listened, and thought about it:

* Lift sections of the Astro, and build say two table tops, and a large triple jump, with humps and troughs wide enough so you can opt to do 1+1+1, 1+2, or 2+1 safely or with risk, to suit driving style, track layout and car. Measure Broxtowe triple, and Stotfold table tops - they work really well. Don't reinvent the wheel - those features work. The dimensions are critical and there to be measured and reproduced.

* I personally think introducing different running surfaces adds interest and enjoyment. If funds stretch that far it's a good idea.

So thanks to those who made the current track possible. If we can improve it, great. But we couldn't if it wasn't there to star with!


Joshyjol 29-07-2013 08:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I havent been racing long and Ive only raced at Bury so heres my fresh take on the track and club.

The guys there are really friendly and very welcoming and adds to the enjoyment of a race day and whilst the track is very user friendly and adaptable, with such great versatility in terms of layout, I do agree that a new feature or a re-model would be cool.

Props to the guys who design the track and set it out though, they do a great job with what they have got and I like the fact that I havent raced on the same track twice! Its adds the element of having to adapt your car and driving style to the different layouts whereas with a permanent track I guess you learn it, set your car up to it, and drive round it endlessly, which isnt all that appealing to me as the challenge of facing a new layout each time is exciting. So I think this works in favour of the club as surely I cant be the only one who likes the concept of evolving track designs!

As for keeping the same circuit so you know if you are getting faster, and how we are improving, maybe run a timed practice day every couple of months. With the same track layout every time so you actually do know if you are lapping at a faster rate than you previously were.

But back on topic I drew up alittle track map on publisher and put in what I thought would be cool on the track. Ive seen someone mention a 3-way table top infront of the rostrum and I like the idea too (its the feature in red on the little map) I think if it was linked to the dome in the middle it would also provide areas for off - camber corners and a little variety in the design of the track layout. But sticking to the idea of removable features so kids dont ruin them with the bikes etc. There are a couple of ideas in the bottom left and right corners of the picture, and maybe surfacing them and the wooden jumps with astro (dont know if it can be done) or leaving them blank would also mix things up alittle.

Just my thoughts anyway, but regardless of the track, I will still be racing there as personally, I don't find it 'crap' and always leave the rostrum with a smile on my race (even if I did rubbish!)


Big Show 29-07-2013 09:30 PM

I think a lot of the surgestions made are good one, but all these changes have to be put to the commity so decisions can be made. We do havbe spare astro in the jumps container at the back. I think surface changes could be a good idea and johny mention difrent astro. The garden center near me sell artificial grass for gardens With blades and not twill). They are selling of cuts at not bad prices (looks like rolls of carpet). I think that any changes to the track should be undertaken by a landscaper as trying to get club members to come down and help out with track maintenance is hard at the best of times, people have thier own things to do after work. Stu I think the track is not bad just now wants a bit of tweeking.

fil9144 29-07-2013 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Si Coe (Post 792487)
If we are paying of course it needs doing properly.
However the track is the least of our problems. We need power to race control and perhaps a proper race controller who actually wants to be there and some members who'll turn out to maintain the track they have before we need to worry about becoming a Robin Hood clone.

You missed the painting si loads that to do as well lol

fil9144 29-07-2013 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Si Coe (Post 792532)
Winter meetings make little if any profit unless they are very busy. But Counthill is a lot cheaper than most possible venues so consequently less people need to go to cover the costs.
The other option is no racing at all over winter - we tried outdoors and its too bloody cold!

Indoor si i do need speak to someone about that as before roger pasted i did tell him i know we're there is a very cheap mill in Radcliffe and i happen to know the owner pretty well also

Gavin Collingwood 30-07-2013 01:31 AM

Here are my thoughts.
1. A roof is needed. But track should be priority.
2. Don't need multi surface, Broxtowe and stotfold are mint so that's what we need to look to and aim for.
3. We need to hire someone to do this as nobody will actually put the time in to do this and we also don't reallyhave the expertise. so we need a track builder to help us hopefully we can find one on oople.
4. I agree totally with you buds. This should be a big priority over winter.
5. Table tops like broxtowe rather than "jumps" is what we want, just jumping off a ramp to flat is crap. Whereas trying to judge a jump bank to bank is way more fun.
6. Level changes is what we need the most and redesigning of current features. As they're not great, and like you said bud. Stu even you'll admit they weren't as you designed because of the council so lets make them how they were supposed to be. I think Cross is too 'stop, start, stop, start' and there's no flow. If it could be made a little less harsh that would be good.

Gavin Collingwood 30-07-2013 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by johnnygibbon (Post 792537)
here are some sketchs i did in winter
weve been on about this for two years
{edit oople is being arsey and i cant upload pics}
but a fe people saw them during the winter rounds
i ill get em up soon
we need more action and pics or designs les talk and naysaying

i have also contacted a sk8park builder i know
he works for councils and all his guys have cscs cards
he built radcliffe sk8 park in concrete
walmsley sk8park
and many more 150000 pound plus parks around britain
uses a 10000 pound design package and i think hes the man for us
roger spoke to him in the past about track building to
he is a top contractor and can build anything we want
he says he will talk to our committee and he could start work in a few months
i ill be forwardeding his details to the other committee members
even if we do two features or modifications a year we are on course to a top race track in 2 or 3 years
the old track evovled with time this needs to as well

Very interesting.....

Gavin Collingwood 30-07-2013 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by budfish (Post 792412)
It's a great starting point we just need someone with the balls and the cheque book to say yes. Trust me it would pay dividends look at what the gymnasts got holly mollie what if the built them a gym with no changing rooms or no bleeding ropes hanging from the ceiling would they have excepted that? You should of seen the fools the council sent to build it they hadn't a clue.



Me and rob mills on one of the many jumps we used to have


The wood on the block paved hair pin on top of one of our high speeds jumps at the end of the straight

Sorry woody.... Cannot let you get away with that picture..!!!! Haha nice boufon!!

Howler 30-07-2013 01:51 AM

If you ask me, first thing we should be doing is peeling up some of the astro on one of the current features and have a go at fixing it to work as Stu intended. That will give everyone a good idea of the work involved.

I would suggest the step-up ramp to the tabletop as the best candidate, as it can be out of commission for a meeting or two without causing much of an issue. Either make it higher, or move it further back so landing is easier without having to hit it so hard you risk going into the fence.

Si Coe 30-07-2013 09:01 AM

I want the race control cabin moving back about 3 ft so people can see the track corners better. Anyone got a massive forklift?

Phil - AFAIK we haven't actually booked indoors yet so find some details out. Radcliffe would be better than Oldham for most people - especially the top of Counthill which is inaccessible in the snow. We just need storage space, a big hall and power really.

fil9144 30-07-2013 10:05 AM

forward thinking

Originally Posted by Howler (Post 792756)
If you ask me, first thing we should be doing is peeling up some of the astro on one of the current features and have a go at fixing it to work as Stu intended. That will give everyone a good idea of the work involved.

I would suggest the step-up ramp to the tabletop as the best candidate, as it can be out of commission for a meeting or two without causing much of an issue. Either make it higher, or move it further back so landing is easier without having to hit it so hard you risk going into the fence.

to be honest that's ment to have been done ages ago but like you said be good starting point people don't realise what a large job it will be and be good to see how many people turn up to do it

fil9144 30-07-2013 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Si Coe (Post 792786)
I want the race control cabin moving back about 3 ft so people can see the track corners better. Anyone got a massive forklift?

Phil - AFAIK we haven't actually booked indoors yet so find some details out. Radcliffe would be better than Oldham for most people - especially the top of Counthill which is inaccessible in the snow. We just need storage space, a big hall and power really.

its a hiab job really which I can dig the number out for someone and I start looking into indoor venue again and get back to you si

budfish 30-07-2013 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Si Coe (Post 792786)
I want the race control cabin moving back about 3 ft so people can see the track corners better. Anyone got a massive forklift?

Phil - AFAIK we haven't actually booked indoors yet so find some details out. Radcliffe would be better than Oldham for most people - especially the top of Counthill which is inaccessible in the snow. We just need storage space, a big hall and power really.

Can't we get that place near Bolton hospital again? We didn't have it last time because cricketers had booked it??? Fast surface:thumbsup:

Si Coe 30-07-2013 10:49 AM

No contact details...

budfish 30-07-2013 11:32 AM



Howler 30-07-2013 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by fil9144 (Post 792795)
to be honest that's ment to have been done ages ago but like you said be good starting point people don't realise what a large job it will be and be good to see how many people turn up to do it

Exactly, i helped build the jump on the back straight on the old track originally, and it took a lot of manpower to move the astro more than anything else. Also, nobody really knows what they've used under there.

Col 30-07-2013 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by budfish (Post 792813)

Table top looks good (nice steady downramp) but the bowl is a certain disaster. If you're anything other than exactly in the centre you'll be thrown everywhere. Or am I misunderstanding and you have that already?

Chrislong 30-07-2013 02:35 PM

Most clubs start off with a grass track which develops, and then as it wears astro is added until it is all astro. Whereas in comparison Bury has started off with a blank canvass and have skipped the first step, so have an astro covered blank canvass with some thrown in features.

Therefore I suggest: why not go back to step one? Build a grass track, its more easily sculptable and will develop given time/enthusiasm of workers, then add astro (save what you have) when the time is right.

Only downside, grass is a PITA to grow where you want it and be strong to race on, whereas the f**ker grows everywhere when you don't want it.. :woot: so perhaps alternative without being astro - dirt?

Im probably way off the mark.:blush:

budfish 30-07-2013 03:28 PM

Johnnys designs the volcano would have a flat top with a 4 degree single pitch

birdy 30-07-2013 03:29 PM

A committee meeting is to be held later this week to discuss all that is in this thread and the email suggestions we have received.

A schedule off all items will be drawn together by myself and discussed.

budfish 30-07-2013 09:05 PM


Col 30-07-2013 09:19 PM

Explain yourself David...


rallymaddaz 30-07-2013 09:25 PM

Loving the grass idea - having been privileged enough to have tried out many of Burys different tracks over the years, I must say that the current track although all one surface is infinitely better than the last purpose built one- yes a few changes could be made here and there but essentially you have a first class facility. From a personal perspective I would love to see more grass tracks - perhaps re- profile the table top that's in the wrong place and cover in grass and add some other areas of grass which can easily be skipped out in bad weather etc. With very little funds you could make the track better than anyone else's not trying to copy them - be your own club ( bury was certainly always that ). I look forward to a return to real outdoor racing as opposed to outdoor carpet racing with added lumps bumps and jumps.

Bury is my local club and I would love to go outdoor racing again but three things are preventing me from doing this

1 - racing is timed poorly and takes up a full day when half a day is all that's required ( the rest of the day can then be family time)

2 - why on earth would I want to race on carpet outdoors ( yes I mean astro turf)?

3 - most persons that take part in our hobby are also Motorsport fans and you seem to have a knack of clashing with the f1 which, with me now having to pay for the privilege to watch I certainly am not going to miss it

If you have the funds my suggested priority is addressing the lack of shelter on the rostrum.

I'm not currently a member but I am happy to help set up if you go down the grass route


Dudders 30-07-2013 09:50 PM

Jesus Christ ^^^ this guys is hard to please!

Astro here to stay, deal with it.
Can't do a full day? Deal with it.
Clashes with F1? Stay home and watch it.

Ps, sell up :D

budfish 30-07-2013 09:52 PM


budfish 30-07-2013 09:53 PM

:woot:I know what you mean there will be no grass what so ever!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Dudders (Post 792979)
Jesus Christ ^^^ this guys is hard to please!

Astro here to stay, deal with it.
Can't do a full day? Deal with it.
Clashes with F1? Stay home and watch it.

Ps, sell up :D

johnnygibbon 30-07-2013 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Dudders (Post 792979)
Jesus Christ ^^^ this guys is hard to please!

Astro here to stay, deal with it.
Can't do a full day? Deal with it.
Clashes with F1? Stay home and watch it.

Ps, sell up :D

Hahaha gotta agree there dude

And col that's Si messing with his Rc 10 in the cabin
I thought it was a good likeness

Col 30-07-2013 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by johnnygibbon (Post 792985)
And col that's Si messing with his Rc 10 in the cabin
I thought it was a good likeness

Of course! How did I miss that? :p

ryanlownie 31-07-2013 08:07 AM

Here we go guys, the masterpiece!


I am joking of course!

Si Coe 31-07-2013 08:20 AM

Erm, is that a water jump?

Won't we need mountaineering gear for that tabletop?

Hows that going to fit in our space?

Very pretty but a little impractical. Though slightly less so than John original fire pit and cheerleaders design......

spennyy2k 31-07-2013 08:39 AM

any chance of sharks or phiranahs in the water jump to keep marshalls on their toes?

spennyy2k 31-07-2013 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by rallymaddaz (Post 792976)

Bury is my local club and I would love to go outdoor racing again but three things are preventing me from doing this

1 - racing is timed poorly and takes up a full day when half a day is all that's required ( the rest of the day can then be family time)

2 - why on earth would I want to race on carpet outdoors ( yes I mean astro turf)?

3 - most persons that take part in our hobby are also Motorsport fans and you seem to have a knack of clashing with the f1 which, with me now having to pay for the privilege to watch I certainly am not going to miss it

If you have the funds my suggested priority is addressing the lack of shelter on the rostrum.

I'm not currently a member but I am happy to help set up if you go down the grass route


as far as i remember racing has always been a full day, there is no way your going to get it all done in half a day. grass tracks are long gone, you need too much room as the grass wont last 5 minutes with the cars now and you would have to avoid the worn areas, maybe you would get away with small areas like straights but thats it really. As far as F1 goes its getting duller each year so watch moto gp instead or record it.

personally i prefered the old track but s*&t happens, i think what we have now and those involed have done a good gob in keeping the club going when so many others have shut over the years so thumbs up to them. there are definate areas that can be improved as there always is with everything but you are never going to make everyone happy

birdy 31-07-2013 04:23 PM

Ryan well volunteered for doing the 3D track design, now we know you are good at that :woot:

Serious note, can you do the track as it is now?

Big Show 31-07-2013 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dudders (Post 792979)
Jesus Christ ^^^ this guys is hard to please!

Astro here to stay, deal with it.
Can't do a full day? Deal with it.
Clashes with F1? Stay home and watch it.

Ps, sell up :D

not bad replies apart from the p.s ( a bit mutch)

budfish 31-07-2013 09:18 PM


losichris 31-07-2013 09:43 PM

yes buds, you thinking turn the quad into a double? that would be better

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