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fidspeed 03-05-2013 06:33 AM

now at 13st 9lb thats nearly 2 and a half stone gone now its getting very slow to lose now

all my trousers need belts and new holes :thumbsup:
still running hard and playing badminton aswell get the occasonal ache and pain buts thats old age not helping

on hols in the peak district soon better take me trainers

keep up the good work all fellow ooplers

nice to catch up with our glorious leader Mr Bond at worksop recently
good on ya fella !!


fidspeed 27-06-2013 03:10 PM

another half stone again now riding at 13st 2lb nearly 3 stone now !!

run for life this sunday looking forward to belting round town with like minded fools

regards Dave

TARTMAN 29-06-2013 02:26 PM

Vi 90 Day challenge
see the web link www.tartman.myvi.com

I have lost over a stone and half way into my 90 day challenge.

cheaper than anything else out there and healthier to.

Ideal for those wanting to build lean muscle to.

LOVE the Vi way.

You can also get your kit for FREE. So easy, message me for more.

The tastiest healthiest shakes ever!:thumbsup:

bodgit 29-07-2013 07:37 AM

After watching the program Fat Sick and Nearly Dead I decided to give it a go. I had lost 2 stones exactly just before xmas day over 3 months with normal dieting but put on 10lbs since.
I bought the juicer last Wednesday and started on Thursday. I've lost 8lb 2oz in just 4 days. I don't feel hungry which I thought I would and I cant exercise due to disc and other health problems.
Anyone else been trying this.

racingben 29-07-2013 07:58 AM

Thought I'd add to this. I've lost 8kg in the last 2 months using the myfitnesspal app on my phone / ipad. Trying to swim a couple of times a week but otherwise using the app just to make sure I'm eating sensibly.

fidspeed 29-07-2013 04:41 PM

now under 13st :thumbsup: a 3 stone loss since november still running hard and watching what i eat

its slow progress now but has been well worth the effort

never tried shakes and stuff may be worth looking into though

keep it up all fellow ooplers

fidspeed 16-11-2013 12:26 PM

another half stone gone 12st 7lb ish give a take a lb fluctation so very happy 12 month to lose 3 and a half stone so its not a quick fix

trying to keep it up will be hard badminton and running is helping been very lucky with health issues not had any :D

regards dave

stegger 19-12-2013 09:17 PM

Well done Dave ^^^ As you say it's a slow process ! The way I was told was " You've put it on slowly over the years, so take it off slowly " But not that slow !!!! Ha ha...
I can't run due to a damaged hip joint but I've been weight training at the local gym and have now lost 2st 4 lbs which has got me in the 15st area :thumbsup: Which is the lightest I have been in over 20 years.
Food wise, I've cut out a lot of carbs and mostly just eating meat, fish, LOADS of eggs, Veg, fruit (non tropical ) except banana's and nuts. Over 4 ltr's of water a day with obvious side effects !!!! hahaha.


fidspeed 19-12-2013 09:54 PM

keep going steve

im lucky in that I can run fairly easily im averaging 20-25 mile a week but I cant face paying gym fees:thumbdown:

I do eat better but not good enough really and I keep forgetting to drink enough water

id like to get to 12st but at nearly 50 years young it may be a bit optimistic

regards dave

stegger 19-12-2013 10:21 PM

50 !! I'm only 5 years off you mate ;) I found it hard to motivate myself. But going the gym 3 times a week and a Personal trainer once a week has given me that motivation. Horses for courses I suppose.

bondy 22-03-2014 10:57 AM

married man
Well after 4 years of hard work.... unbelievably I found a woman that would put up with me and the toy car racing...so I married her :)


fidspeed 22-03-2014 11:02 AM

congratulations steve

hope is all going well and the weight is still coming off too !

ive been injured but back in the groove again now just lost a bit of speed

catch up one day


bondy 03-04-2014 11:33 AM

Nope :(
in fact I have put a bit on..:cry:

It was to be expected though as after my BIG OP I could not do much for 6-8 months.

Just getting back into it now though although stomach and back are a bit dodgy as the surgen had to cut through some muscle so I have to be careful until it fully recovers.:thumbdown:

Plus I have been enjoying myself aswell... tut tut .:lol:

Big push from now on to get back the fitness and loose the Wedding/honeymoon/ beers and food etc.:p

Watch this space in next 3 months... :p

fidspeed 03-04-2014 08:19 PM

good lad steve

id shoved a stone back on over 2 months layoff :cry:

now got rid of half of it but cant shift the other at the minute

will keep on trying


fidspeed 27-06-2014 06:54 AM

Injured again :(
just starting to really shift again and now knee ligament damage



outspokencrummy 17-04-2020 09:00 PM

I am currently on a keto diet, just on my 2nd day. so far still coping

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