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-   -   *Downsize-me* Weight Loss Discussion, lead by our weight-loss champion Steven Bond. (http://www.oople.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61565)

Mrs oOple 22-01-2011 10:45 PM

*Downsize-me* Weight Loss Discussion, lead by our weight-loss champion Steven Bond.
Hiya, I've made a dedicated thread for folk who have successfully lost weight to share their stories, and for those who wish to lose weight to seek advice.

I'm no pro, although I have lost a few pounds playing on the wii-fit and trying to be more conscious of how much I eat. I'll leave this thread for Steven Bond to take the lead on anyway, as he's our in house weight loss warrior! :thumbsup:

ashleyb4 23-01-2011 01:47 AM

Over the past 5 months ive managed to loose about 1 and 1/2 stone maybe 2 stone. I havent changed what I eat the only thing that has changed is i now have a car which means i dont walk anywhere any more and i am now working full time..

Not really useful advice but my little story.


bondy 23-01-2011 06:32 PM

Well not quite. You could say however that i have seen the light. After many years of abuse i now find that all the shit we eat is not good for you. We all know that. Its not hard to understand. I can say that most blokes are not going to go to weight watchers meetings just to be told whats good for you and whats bad. Things like weight watchers are there to feed on the insecurities of sorry to say "women" all adverts on weight loss are. The simple fact is cut out all the crap you know is not good and excersise. Nature will take care of the rest. How succsessfull you are is determind by how much you want it and your level of willpower.

Some tips

1.. Dont starve yourselve
2.. Keep a food log ( this helped me with the diabetes I could see what effect different types of food made to my blood sugar levels and in what amounts0
3.. Keep a weight log ( I only weigh once a week at the same time. Your weight varies so much from day to day and at different times of day. I do mine Sunday morning, that way you dont pig out saturday night)
4.. Set some realistic goals extreame loss is not good. I started with a hell of a lot of weight. 1 stone a month was possible. When you have only a few stone to loose set your targets more sensible possibly 4-6 months. The main aim is not to just loose weight but get fitter. The fitter you are the easyer everything is and the excersise is easyer. I now have a target of 18 stones in June this year I know my muscle mass is jumping up all the time so its gonna take longer.
5.. Dont always go by weight. A good indication is also Inches.. Measure regularly and you will see the inches drop. This is most times a better inducation than weight loss. As you muscle get bigger you weigh more so inches are the best indicator.
6.. Muscle weighs a lot. Many years I lost 4 stones then it suddenly slowed and stopped. I was hitting big weights at the gym no cardio. I lost faith and thought why bother. Now cardio is 90% of my workouts. Ill sort muscles out after.
7.. Just keep going .. Walking is the best to start with walk walk walk. 30 mins a day mp3 player on headphones in and not matter what the weather just do it.



stegger 23-01-2011 07:15 PM

Quite right steve, the will power and belief that you can and will succeed is the biggest thing for me. I've set MYSELF small realistic goals to which so far i've exceeded. Another 4lb off this week, so 10lb in total and i'm already feeling the benefits :thumbsup: Hitting the gym for full workouts this week coming so hoping to loose my first stone !!! :cool:

reg 23-01-2011 08:20 PM

I was only 30 when i found out id got an under active thyroid,im lucky that i enjoy keeping fit as it keeps the weight off,i think like bondy says its not always good to rely on the scales,enjoy what you are doing,do it right and you will get results,if not have a word with your doc and they should give you a blood test,weight training keeps the metabolizum switched on when you not at the gym,fat is just stored energy,muscles need energy so they help to burn the fat when your sitting watching eastenders:thumbsup:

Kash 24-01-2011 11:21 AM

Totaly agree with what bondy says.

The biggest way for me to lose weight was calorie counting. I stuck to roughly 1500 cals more if i'm playing footie etc but that should help you lose roughly 1-2lbs a week.

Its all about a lifestyle change.


Mrs oOple 27-01-2011 09:51 PM

We did a presentation about weight a couple of weeks ago, if I remember the stats correctly:
If you consume 500calories per day more than you are burning, over the course of the week this amounts to 1lb in weight gain.

Similarly to lose 1lb, you need to burn 500 calories more per day than you are consuming.

If that makes sense?

Simply put, I like what Bondy said about viewing food as being fuel now; so makes choices based on the amount of energy he is going to burn.

And for people who are serious about losing weight, it's important to make sustainable lifestyle changes. i.e. removing things from your diet that you know you can survive without from one day to the next. And also recognising that occasional treats are acceptable.

I've lost 2lb since my last wii-fit weigh-in :)

poopers 31-01-2011 11:52 AM

Here’s an interesting video about weight loss/gain. It’s definitely worth your time watching if you take this stuff seriously.


general idea of video: It’s not necessarily all about watching your calories as much as the type of carbohydrates you consume.

Personally, I also obsessively try to avoid artificial sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup and aspartame.

stegger 01-02-2011 01:39 PM

LOST MY FIRST STONE :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Mrs oOple 01-02-2011 09:01 PM

Well done Stegger, congratulations :)
Are you working with exercise alone or other changes too? Remember if you're doing muscle building exercises to consider chest / waist measurements etc as ultimately the weight loss will slow down once the muscle bulk increases.
What's your target?

stegger 02-02-2011 07:22 PM

Vicky, Just started at the gym a week ago which has helped ;) ( cardio excercise ) I would like to build up abit but i was told to slim down first before weight training. Most of the weight loss has been down to diet and to be honest i've enjoyed it !!!! The BIG test was last weekend when myself and the Mrs went to cheltenham to visit some relatives and we eat out. No snacking or puddings, nicky's cousin was laughing her head off because i was knowin as the PUDDIN KING !!
Target is 13 1/2 stone, so another 3 1/2 stone to go :)

MatJohnson 16-02-2011 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by poopers (Post 458227)
Here’s an interesting video about weight loss/gain. It’s definitely worth your time watching if you take this stuff seriously.


general idea of video: It’s not necessarily all about watching your calories as much as the type of carbohydrates you consume.

Personally, I also obsessively try to avoid artificial sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup and aspartame.

Watched that video, some interesting theories. It sounded like if you followed the dietary advice of diabetics then it should help? or did I miss the point?

Chequered Flag Racing 15-03-2011 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs oOple (Post 457094)
We did a presentation about weight a couple of weeks ago, if I remember the stats correctly:
If you consume 500calories per day more than you are burning, over the course of the week this amounts to 1lb in weight gain.

Similarly to lose 1lb, you need to burn 500 calories more per day than you are consuming.

Burnt up 1827c's today so I don't feel guilty :thumbsup:

probably just put it all back on with Spog Bog and Garlic bread for tea, home of course :D


kinggareth 11-04-2011 06:20 PM

I didn't expect to see a health section on an RC forum, but it's good to see you all encouraging a healthy lifestyle since RC racing isn't the most physically demanding of sports!

My weight has always fluctuated - due mostly to an inability to stop eating McDonalds and chocolate! But I'm getting married abroad in Rhodes this June which has given me a good target for my weight loss.

The diet started 5 weeks ago, combined with plenty of gym work (weights and cardio) and so far I've lost 9.5lbs. Another 9lbs to go to get to my target of 12 and a half stone and 8 weeks to get there. Wish me luck.

960rc 12-04-2011 07:34 PM

My heavyest I was at 19st 12 and needed to do some thing. The time was right to loose weight, now 15st 8 in less than 8 months. Finding the last 2st really hard to shift, but will keep on running and cycling.

bondy 16-04-2011 09:25 PM

Thank god summer is coming..

After a slow winter Gym work is boring im back out on the bike.... After the torn knee ligaments beging of march whilst SKIING " of all things " in Slovakia it has been a painfull few weeks .. But todays 37 mile ride from Sherwood pines to and around clumber and back without a knee brace the Knee feels around 80 % back to normal... Milage mid week is back to the 20 mile a day mark and the weight has started to dropp off again. Not that it stopped mind it just slowed a lot.. % fat is down 4-5 % a month but muscle is jumping up 6-8 % at the same time... Im not doing heavy weights but my leg muscles are looking like Chris Hoys LOLOLO ..

Listing to Glyn and Dirty Rambo chatting as we ride is funny.. It quiet when we hit the hills though ---- Huffing and puffing etc... LOL

Waist is getting smaller and everything else.... Im not sure what weight I started at Docs have me weighed at 197 KG and I can remember some 200 KG scales saying EEEEERRRRROOORRRR at one point .. Im now down around 129- 130 mark and loosing about .75 to 1 KG a week.. Gonna have a big push next few months to get down to the 18 stone mark for my birthday in September.. Problem with excersising a LOT is you need to eat a lot... Im getting through rice cakes like mad LOL

Me Rambo and Wardy

Me and Rambo

Cant wait for the rest of the Man boobs to Go LOL I miss them though LOL


I treated myself to a frame upgrade ON ONE 456 Carbon LUVELY and Light just like ME !!!! :thumbsup:


bondy 02-05-2011 10:49 PM

After doing my knee in Sking begining of march I went and fell off @sherwood pines the other sunday... grazed and dazed and on the same blooming kneee. No damage to knee joint and skabs are coming off now.. Anyway I weighed in at the gym and was -5kg down since beginging of march.... Considering the 3 weeks of bad knee not to bad... Should be well on target this year but I know I have to push.. Instructer at gym wants me to do upper body work now as he said my tree trunk legs dont need any work,..?? wonder why ???? SO sunday morning was a 2hr arm and chest fest... Im feeling it now ! :mad:

So the day after I came off I hobbled along to broxtowe .. grabbed the couger out of the garage and just chucked it down... qual 8th finneshed somewhere but smiled all the way...

Spot the " BIG BAD BOND" dont stick out so much as the photo Vivky put up last year... In fact smithy wouldnt let me stand near him LOLLOLOL only joking


bondy 28-05-2011 04:57 PM

R.I.P "BIG BAD BOND" Long may live just "BAD BOND"


Mrs oOple 28-05-2011 09:46 PM

Awesome! Are you like some sort of 'The Stig' now?

teamorsum96 29-05-2011 08:31 AM

firstly MRS oople, he cant be the stig lol but it could be the ghost rider :D

and secondly, i wish i could put weight on, im 6ft2 and 12stone. i can eat full family size cakes and lose 4LBs :cry:

and finally.

Mrs oOple 30-05-2011 06:49 AM

Yeah! That's the sort of thing I meant! lol :woot:

Your BMI is very acceptable, you are a healthy weight - what sort of weight do you want to gain?

Full size family cakes will line your arteries well, but if you have a fast metabolism it's unlikely to help you gain weight. You'd perhaps be better off trying to build up a little bit by eating a protein-rich diet? Have you always been a slim build or lost weight recently?

teamorsum96 30-05-2011 07:25 AM

[QUOTE=Mrs oOple;508203]Yeah! That's the sort of thing I meant! lol :woot:

Your BMI is very acceptable, you are a healthy weight - what sort of weight do you want to gain?

Full size family cakes will line your arteries well, but if you have a fast metabolism it's unlikely to help you gain weight. You'd perhaps be better off trying to build up a little bit by eating a protein-rich diet? Have you always been a slim build or lost weight recently?[/QUOTE

no matter what i eat, i cant seem to put weight on, fair does, i have put nearly stone on over the last year, i would be happy with 13stone:) i am toned all over, but im wanting my chest bigger, which i no i have to lose the belly before my chest will start to turn into fat before i can turn it into muscular which is't a problem.
i have always been slim but i have always been active, i the riding bikes kiteboarding or snowboarding, now i like to walk can be up to 15miles a day. dam.. i must be getting old lol

bondy 26-06-2011 06:45 PM

Spot the Difference
:thumbsup:Spot the Diff.. Cheers Tony and Dean !


teamorsum96 26-06-2011 06:57 PM


Maritime 26-06-2011 06:58 PM


Well here go's

If you know me or been to any of the Maritime meeting you will have seen I am a bit of a big guy.

Not no more

I was 20 stone 3rd January 2011

to date i have lost 4 stone down to 16 stone with just 1 more stone to lose

to get to this weight i lowered my food in take

and worked out 30 mins a day plus run to work and home

All can lose the weight with just a bit of hard work, here's to losing the next stone

Thank you for reading

Ian Knight

bondy 26-06-2011 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Maritime (Post 520003)

Well here go's

If you know me or been to any of the Maritime meeting you will have seen I am a bit of a big guy.

Not no more

I was 20 stone 3rd January 2011

to date i have lost 4 stone down to 16 stone with just 1 more stone to lose

to get to this weight i lowered my food in take

and worked out 30 mins a day plus run to work and home

All can lose the weight with just a bit of hard work, here's to losing the next stone

Thank you for reading

Ian Knight

All so true.....all it takes is belief and willpower.... Well done that man...... I have a couple more to go... 18stones and ill be happy....already fit as a fiddle....

stegger 27-06-2011 07:34 AM

Must admit i've slipped a bit :thumbdown::thumbdown: But got a new bike coming next week :thumbsup: So back to it and hopefully do it this time ;)

bondy 16-07-2011 05:44 PM

A small jedi master once said something that for me rings true for most things in life especially loosing weight and getting fit..



Mrs oOple 17-07-2011 09:29 AM

Bondy, you are a star and an inspiration :) Looking great - keep up the good work and spurring on all these other guys :thumbsup:
Well done to everyone else joining the healthy weight team.

Big G 17-07-2011 07:10 PM

Although I'm reasonably healthy I still have a bit of a belly so I've started doing small weights and I'm going to get myself a newbike hopefully next weekend to start work on my cardio

Jamesd 17-07-2011 08:19 PM

I thought I would add my bit to this section of the forum.

I am 20 and left after my first year of University.

I have all ways been a larger person. I want a job working in Motorsport which requires you being fit and being on your feet all the day.

My local DW fitness had a 6 week offer for £40 so I signed up for that.

I have been going to the gym for just over a week. I go most days, I do between 30mins to an hour a day.

My starting weight at the gym is just over 18st. With 37.7% of my body as fat and my idea weight is between 9st and 12st so I get 6st to loose.

I have also started to keep a food log which has helped me cut out the stuff I don’t need to eat. I normal eat when i am bored.


Conrad 18-07-2011 04:34 PM

Loosing weight through diet's are just fads and shouldn't be your main goal, changing your lifestyle through diet and exercise to be more healthy and improve the quality of your life should be your main goal.

Fat is good for you and a good source of energy for your body, it's the carbohydrates that do all the damage. If you don't burn off all the carbs through exercise your body turns them in to fat and stores them around your body. Also if you diet to just loose fat without exercising you will loose fat but also lean body mass (muscle) which is a bad thing, you can loose fat, gain muscle mass without the scales changing much but your body composition (shape) will change and should be the change you strive for not just loosing weight.

I try to follow the Paleo lifestyle of which their are a ton of books out their on the subject and a ton of free info on the link below, yes it does pimp his book a bit but their is still a load of useful information there including a few free ebooks if you signup for the newsletter, one of them does cover fitness through some simple bodyweight exercises, lots of good information on the second link for exercise.



smokes 18-07-2011 08:30 PM

bondy ,how long does it take for your legs to recover after riding, i am currently commuting from leeds to castleford which is 25 mile round trip, but its taking and age for my legs to recover

stegger 18-07-2011 09:00 PM

Smokes, i've just started riding myself so i know were your coming from, legs like jelly after tonight. 9.8 miles which is the longest ride i've done but i recovered a bit quicker than before :thumbsup:
What type of bike are you using ? mountain,hybrid or road bike.
The only reason i ask is because i tried a mountain bike but because of the knobbly tyres i found it hard to keep a consistant pace, I was fighting the bike, if you know what i mean. But on the bike i eventually bought (Hybrid) with road tyres it was a lot better. Keep at it though fella cos you will enjoy it, i am :D

smokes 18-07-2011 09:37 PM

I used to do 100miles week about 4 years ago and stopped, just wondering how long it take to get fit again. I am riding a mountian bike with schwabe marathons ( 1.50 wide and running a 100psi in them )on it but i am so slow on the hills compared to how I used to be.... Just trying figure how long it gonna take to get my legs back into shape. As bondy is way way ahead of me in the fitness stakes i thought i'd ask

bondy 04-08-2011 09:08 PM

I suppose it depends on the fitness level and amount of use. I have got to the stage now
Where my legs dont hurt much at all. But they get a work out everyday. The more you do the quicker you recover..lungs and heart aswell. The main thing to do is keep hydrated. Water is the key.. I didnt drink enough when I just had a bottle on the bike. Now I use a camelpak and get through roughly a litre an hour.

Me and brian shardlow after tonigts muddy run around pines.

And I agree about. Muscle mass and carbs. To begin with it was about getting rid of the bluber..now its about muscle mass and fitness. Ill let the last bit of bluber do its own thing. Was aiming for 18 stone but would be happy with a fit beefy 19 !

bondy 17-08-2011 02:50 PM

Mental Health
Not so much Physical health but more for metal health.. I always wanted a tattoo of somekind but having one done when your big then loosing weight means it goes all shrivelled. So after this last year and a half and to mark me dropping below the 20 stones mark and into the teens ! I thought id finaly have a little one done.

XXXI " 31 " as in 31 Stones which I went past.

NUMQUAM DENUO " never again " in Latin


Disco-Panda 17-08-2011 03:02 PM

Bondy the tattoo looks awsome man :) well done on the weight loss bud looking good :)

im guna have to take a leaf out of yur book and shed some fatty parts :)

well done again mate :)

c0sie 30-08-2011 09:07 AM

On the subject of weight loss, I need some advice if anyone is qualified enough to know the answer?

In 2001 I slipped my L5S1 disc out partially but not enough that doctors would refer me to the hospital for MRI's or surgery.

After 7 years of suffering with the resultant sciatica and putting on weight due to not feeling able to exercise/ruining my posture from the muscle spasms and contractions etc I fell off a chair at work in early 2008 and 2/3rd's of my disc popped out.

Spent 2 weeks unable to move my left leg due to the disc popping out and completely mullering my sciatic nerve. Spent the next 5 months literally crying my eyes out in pain everytime I had to do anything that required moving my body..but still had to go to work 5 days a week as a salesman driving in uncomfortable positions for hours and then pounding the pavements for hours.

In fact the pain was so unbearable at times and resonated from my left ankle all the way to the underside of my gentlemans bits that I even started telling my parents I was scared I would lose the use of my bits :( Bad times.

Anyh0w, Oct 2008 I had the majority of the disc removed and the two vertabrae were ground down to reduce any bone rubbing (Dremelling!).

My problem (amongst others) is this. I still have nerve damage from the disc popping out so badly and pushing the nerve so hard. Where you can all do tippy-toes on both feet and on each individual foot, I cannot do that on my left leg. I have no pushing power at all and when I run/jog my right leg pushes off but my left leg just buckles so I basically look like the hunch back of Notre Dame shuffling into the distance..with running shoes on.

Does anyone know if that nerve damage and the resultant lack of any "pushing power" in my left leg will ever change?

When I fell off the chair and the dsic slammed into my nerve it made my left hamstring spasm so hard that the hamstring locked up solid for the first 4 hours. Once the muscle gave up the ghost (as said above) it took 2 weeks before I could even move the leg and a further 2 weeks before I could use it to stand on.

I just need to know if I will ever be able to use my leg properly again, regain the strength...and if so, how??

Or will I limp for the rest of my life?

Thanks in advance.

KJR 01-09-2011 03:16 PM

I'm a physio with about 10 years experience of working with musculoskeletal conditions. In answer to your question about the power of your leg following your lumbar spine surgery in 2008.

Your ability to recover depends on whether the muscle does not have power because it's nerve supply was affected and therefore became weaker or if the nerve was compressed enough that it is permanently unable to provide adequate signals to the muscle. If the muscle is just residually weak after the nerve returned to normal function then some strengthening exercise will help. If the nerve is compromised then it is unlikely to recover much strength. Given that you are still having problems now since 2008 I would think the latter scenario is the most likely one.

In saying that I would suggest that you find a physiotherapist near you who is state registered with the health professions council. That last bit is important as it means you will get a properly qualified physio. They will be able to assess you and advise you on how to maximise your function.

Good luck

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