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Old 06-04-2014
Origineelreclamebord's Avatar
Origineelreclamebord Origineelreclamebord is offline
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Default Binding/Grinding problem with Savöx 1258TG

Hi everyone,

Recently I was working on my car and when the servo rotated I noticed a sort of crackling or grinding noise when I rotated the servo wheel manually. I opened the servo and found nothing very unusual: The grease is a bit grey, but there seem to be no clear flakes, mis-shapen or missing teeth. The casing seems to be fine, and the bearing at the top feels silky smooth.

I re-assembled it, being puzzled I found nothing, and then I found out the issue: the problem seems to depend on how tightly the casing is tightened! So with the casing gently tightened further and further I found a tension where the casing is closed (and the casing doesn't move/deform at full lock) and doesn't bind either.

However, considering I never opened up the servo before, it was bought new and now is only about a year old without any prior problems, I'm left wondering as to what what might have caused that problem. Has anyone got experience with this, or suggestions?

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