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Old 11-12-2009
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David Church David Church is offline
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Default Minutes from section meeting, 1/10 off road

Present: - Paul Worsley, Charlie Fraser, David Church, Graham North, Tom Yardy, Keith Wardle, Trevor Brown, Andy Hickling (deputising for Jim Balls), Steve Brooke, Hywel Mills, John Cockill, Peter Ellis and Stuart Whyman.

Paul opened the meeting by welcoming new members and first time attendees and introductions followed.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted (proposed Hywel Mills seconded Stuart Whyman) and there was the following matter arising:
  • Equipment. Replying to Stuart, Paul confirmed that he had ordered a new computer from Rob Nelson.
3. Correspondence
Paul said that he had dealt with a number of email communications mostly concerning lipo cells since the last meeting. Both he and Charlie confirmed that otherwise there had been no correspondence of note.
4. Regional Reps. for 2009/10.

Paul reviewed the Regional Reps list to check whether he had up to date address records for officials as these had to be submitted this coming weekend. Trevor explained the circumstances within East of England saying that there were insufficient drivers to hold a viable regional series in 2010. He confirmed that he was happy to continue as a contact point for the region until such time as present circumstances change and a new rep appointed. David Church offered to get in touch with John Allen to try to re-establish contact with Scotland.
5. National Venues Usage and Planning.
Paul explained that in recent years there have been unsubstantiated stories from various venues that track use had occurred by some drivers during the week of a National event. In the circumstances he wished to lay down what were the BRCA expectations of host venues in this regard. As a minimum requirement no access to the National track should be allowed at anytime during the week before a National event. Furthermore, if possible, the intended layouts for National tracks should not be used for Regional events prior to the National weekend in any one year. Paul also asked that in an effort to minimise local track advantage and promote fair competition consideration should be given to running the opposite way round for at least one event (2wd or 4wd) during the National weekend. Paul also stressed that any driver proven to have used a National track during the week prior to the event would not be allowed to compete in that National round. A paragraph to this effect will be included in the National Host Club pack.
6. National Dates.
In an effort to simplify the date selection process Paul had prepared a calendar showing all the international dates which we should avoid overlaid with the availability dates provided by national applicants. From this the committee agreed the following dates for national events in 2010:
National Series:- Round 1 - 17/18th April, Round 2 – 8/9th May, Round 3 – 19/20th June, Round 4 – 26/27th June, Round 5 – 17.18th July and Round 6 – 14/15th August.
End of Season Finals: - F2/Junior/Veterans – 4/5th September, F3/4/5 – 18/19 September.
7. National Venues.
This section commenced with presentations given by the potential host clubs or their representative on the committee. Paul announced that due to lack of club members to help run a National event he was unable to include Kidderminster in the national selection process.
Following the same approach as in previous years, the committee initially voted for EOS Final venues followed by National event venues. Both Coventry and Silverstone were clear winners of the first vote and following a further show of hands Coventry was awarded the F2/Junior/Veteran Finals and Silverstone the F3/4/5 Finals.
The National event vote result was: Oswestry 12, Stotfold 12, Southport 12, Talywain 9, Eden Park Raceway 12, YORCC (Blyth) 12 and Broxtowe 3. Accordingly the venues for the six round National Series are:- Round 1 – Talywain, Round 2 - YORCC (Blyth), Round 3 - EdenPark Raceway, Round 4 – Oswestry, Round 5 Southport and Round 6 – Stotfold.
Paul undertook to confirm the final selections with host clubs together with seeking tyre nominations and asked that dates and venues be kept under raps for at least a week until club confirmation was received.
8. National Entry fees and Payments to host clubs.
Entry fees and payment to clubs: It was agreed that there was no need to increase National entry fees for 2010. Following a proposal from Hywel (sec –CF) the committee accepted there was a need to raise the host club remuneration for 2010. The committee would also continue to fund the cost of race numbers for National events.
Trophy expenditure in 2010: It was agreed that trophy expenditure would be broadly at the 2009 level. It was however also agreed to cease issue of commemorative plaques at End of Season Finals. Savings in this regard would be used to enhance the level of trophies awarded to Junior Final competitors. Charlie was asked to obtain a budget estimate for replacement of the current Junior trophies which were starting to look tatty.
9. News from EB and Exec Meeting.
Paul reported that following a considerable amount of negotiation with constituent members world conformity in lipo sizes had been achieve in 2010. This had meant that a 25.1mm height dimension (instead of 23.5mm currently) had been accepted by the UK and adopted by EFRA.
There were no proposed changes to the current price of both lipo’s and motors.
The executive meeting had heard a proposal to reduce the size of the current handbook by publishing some parts on the BRCA website. This had not been formalised at the main AGM however.
10. News from the AGM.
Paul advised that John Cockill had been elected to the post of Referee, Graham North to the post of Technical Officer and David Church had been re-elected to the post of PRO. All other existing committee members had been re-elected unopposed.
11. AGM Actions.
The British Winter Open Event had been adopted at the AGM so it was necessary to agree the format for the event in order to publish an entry form and publicize the meeting. Stuart had been working on a 6 round event with 5 to score however it was felt that this may take too long in a day. Accordingly, after exploring the possibility of not having practice the committee settled on 4 rounds to count from 5 with one round of practice of 3 minutes duration.
The entry fee was agreed at £10.00 per class and entries would close on 16th January 2010. Charlie agreed to be the entry secretary for this event.
Although not universally supported it was decided that where insufficient F1’s entered F2’s would be bumped up to fill the vacancies. It was explained that there was simply not enough time in the day to allow preferences so this would be done on the basis of 2009 National finishing positions.
9. News from EFRA.
Paul reported that the 2010 Euro’s event would be in Austria and based on the number of places requested by member countries is likely to be the biggest event in history. Some 183 places had been sought but this has been pared down to 150 with the UK being allowed its full allocation of 25 places. One new issue from EFRA is that at all future European events drivers must provide their own personal transponder if they wish to compete.
11. AOB.
David Church raised five items of AOB as follows:
2. Guests are allowed to attend this committee meeting but in moderate numbers. 3. PW would provide DC with a map showing the regional boundaries. 4. It is usual at this time of year that no lipo/cells are received yet for approval. Traditionally, these tend to arrive close to the deadline for submission (Dec). 5. Paul agreed to consult with Chris Hardisty on the possibility for live internet broadcasting from National events and report back.
Kidderminster Club had borrowed the section timing equipment as their system 20 had expired. Paul asked what hire charge the committee required for this loan. It was agreed that it was probably best for the system to be used periodically rather than sit in a cupboard unused until April each year. Accordingly, No fee was levied.
12. Date of Next Meeting.
The date for the next meeting was to be confirmed once the closing date for national entries was decided but it will be held in March 2010 at the Hockley Heath Travel Inn.

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Old 11-12-2009
David Church's Avatar
David Church David Church is offline
*SuPeRsTaR mEmBeR*
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Trelleborg, Sweden
Posts: 3,320

I had to chop some bits out as the post was too big, this is what the BRCA officials do for us! I didn't cut anything important, just basic stuff so I could post this for all to see!
The BRCA officials work hard for our sport and with no reward, here is to all that do something for someone out of the kindness of their heart!!!!

GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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