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Old 03-06-2013
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I do think something needs to be done about the abuse marshals get from some racers. Although i didn't attend yesterday I got a right mouthful off a racer at the last 4wd regional. Even if i'd been the worse marshall ever ( which i wasn't) i wouldn't expect to be spoken to like that. The problem always seems to be that race control doesn't hear or see these events so nothing can be done. I don't want to name names, but I suspect it is a small minority of racers that hurl abuse from the rostrum. Question is how can we stop these people ruining it for the rest of us?
Old 03-06-2013
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With all due respect-and i'm not looking to start any wars here- I think the commentry was one of the better things on the day. At the end of the day Scotty Ernst wasnt available for our regional unfortunately but I thought Darren's was of a consistant high standard all day throughout all heats and Finals. On the handful of occassions Darren wasnt able to run race control and commentry, those he asked to assist also did the job well I thought. Ok, there was the slight mishap here and there, but steps were taken to rectify. no ones perfect (#halo)

There were alot of "issues" shall we say brought to race control yesterday, some relating to safety, some relating to racing. etc etc etc. Darren and the club team put effort into addressing these issues where possible regardless how big or small thay might have appeared. If the other racers could raise these issues then could this not have been a little less public? Respectfully I know you mentioned it to him after the run, but could this not have been raised again later in the day? there's a pm function here too! or we have a regional rep!

My point being is that we all take time out-away from our families and various obligations to race (indoors on a sunny day I might add!!!!!? whats that about!!! Typical blighty weather!). Dont get me wrong we're gonna get upset, heated and frustrated-we want to do well-kinda comes with the territory, but we all want to make our great hobby/sport/livelihood in some cases-better. All it takes is a little "contrustive" critisism, offered in the right manner to do that!
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Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by dibble34 View Post
I do think something needs to be done about the abuse marshals get from some racers. Although i didn't attend yesterday I got a right mouthful off a racer at the last 4wd regional. Even if i'd been the worse marshall ever ( which i wasn't) i wouldn't expect to be spoken to like that. The problem always seems to be that race control doesn't hear or see these events so nothing can be done. I don't want to name names, but I suspect it is a small minority of racers that hurl abuse from the rostrum. Question is how can we stop these people ruining it for the rest of us?
I agree fully, to be clear though the majority of the abuse yesterday was from racer to racer along the rostrum (apart form the B final which was driver to marshal, I know this as I was in the race) but it was drivers taking each other out and then shouting at each other that caused the friction I was made aware of (A final and heat 10).

I have heard several versions of what happened and all info is being passed to the regional rep as we are asked to do.
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Old 03-06-2013
RobW RobW is offline
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Quite shocked to read all this this morning having had a great day out with my son yesterday at an extremely well organised and run meeting.

Sam, I truly understand you getting upset if you feel your sons have been treated unfairly but not sure this was the way to go about it on an open forum. Maybe next time give it 24 hours to cool off before you reach for the keyboard or give Darren a call or just have a chat next time you see him about how you can help?

I am sure Darren had a lot of help in the lead up to the meeting and saw others scrutineering, organising the drivers for practice and running the odd heat when Darren was racing but from what I saw he spent getting on for 10 hours solid running the meeting. To come home to this must truly be a kick in the teeth.

As for the marshalling point I see very little correlation between the performances of people’s marshalling and the final they qualify for. Seen plenty of kids in the lower finals sulking or gazing into space and missing crashed cars after their final goes badly just as I have seen some of the A finalists racing each other to crashed cars to marshal them as quickly as possible. Also seen the complete opposite.

I’m pretty sure all the finals yesterday had commentary which has not happened at all the regional rounds so far. It is however a really hard job to keep an eye on the whole track especially if you are also trying to run race control as well. This does however seem to be a consistent comment from drivers that they would like more of so I think it is upto each club to think how they can do better. I don’t think it can fall to the race controller to do it effectively – something along the lines of one person from the previous final doing it instead of marshalling might be the way ahead. I don’t think many of us really enjoy the sound of our own voices but I’d give it a go and hope to improve with practice. First person to complain about the commentary automatically gets put to the top of the list to do the job next

Real shame such a negative thread starts after such a good meeting

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Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by Robby View Post
Well, I will say, that having to marshal more than my share of races - no offense intended here - but there's but only so much energy I'm going to put into a lower finals, where I often can't keep track of the number of times a driver crashes per lap in comparison to the a-finals in which I can count the total number of crashes in the entire race by the entire field on one hand. I'm sorry, but the lower finals wear out their welcome with the marshals by the midway point of the race.

Yes, we all get frustrated with marshals - but the best advice I ever heard given was, "If you don't crash, you won't need marshaling."

And, if you want credit on the rostrum prior to the race - MAKE THE A-FINAL.
Nobody in the crowd cares who's in the F-final (except the F-finalists and their parents). Getting "announced" is a privilege, a privilege earned. This ain't kiddie football, where everyone on the last place team gets a trophy.
Your points hear are exactly what sam is unhappy about and proves the discrimination between the lower and upper heats that goes on in most clubs from drivers like you, maybee if your not fit enough to marshall one race all the way throo you should see a doctor.
Old 03-06-2013
K-Brewer K-Brewer is offline
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Originally Posted by Robby View Post
Well, I will say, that having to marshal more than my share of races - no offense intended here - but there's but only so much energy I'm going to put into a lower finals, where I often can't keep track of the number of times a driver crashes per lap in comparison to the a-finals in which I can count the total number of crashes in the entire race by the entire field on one hand. I'm sorry, but the lower finals wear out their welcome with the marshals by the midway point of the race.

Yes, we all get frustrated with marshals - but the best advice I ever heard given was, "If you don't crash, you won't need marshaling."

And, if you want credit on the rostrum prior to the race - MAKE THE A-FINAL.
Nobody in the crowd cares who's in the F-final (except the F-finalists and their parents). Getting "announced" is a privilege, a privilege earned. This ain't kiddie football, where everyone on the last place team gets a trophy.
I'm so glad I don't race where u do, sounds like a crap place, most people make the "F" final are kids an they're the future of this, if they start feeling left out an not appreciated u have to think are they gonna come back. Everyone gets treated the same, if u don't Marshall quick for someone why the hell should they for u!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by RobW View Post
Quite shocked to read all this this morning having had a great day out with my son yesterday at an extremely well organised and run meeting.

Sam, I truly understand you getting upset if you feel your sons have been treated unfairly but not sure this was the way to go about it on an open forum. Maybe next time give it 24 hours to cool off before you reach for the keyboard or give Darren a call or just have a chat next time you see him about how you can help?

I am sure Darren had a lot of help in the lead up to the meeting and saw others scrutineering, organising the drivers for practice and running the odd heat when Darren was racing but from what I saw he spent getting on for 10 hours solid running the meeting. To come home to this must truly be a kick in the teeth.

As for the marshalling point I see very little correlation between the performances of people’s marshalling and the final they qualify for. Seen plenty of kids in the lower finals sulking or gazing into space and missing crashed cars after their final goes badly just as I have seen some of the A finalists racing each other to crashed cars to marshal them as quickly as possible. Also seen the complete opposite.

I’m pretty sure all the finals yesterday had commentary which has not happened at all the regional rounds so far. It is however a really hard job to keep an eye on the whole track especially if you are also trying to run race control as well. This does however seem to be a consistent comment from drivers that they would like more of so I think it is upto each club to think how they can do better. I don’t think it can fall to the race controller to do it effectively – something along the lines of one person from the previous final doing it instead of marshalling might be the way ahead. I don’t think many of us really enjoy the sound of our own voices but I’d give it a go and hope to improve with practice. First person to complain about the commentary automatically gets put to the top of the list to do the job next

Real shame such a negative thread starts after such a good meeting


Rob, thank you for the support and kind words and you echo how I feel EXACTLY.

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Old 03-06-2013
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Firstly, can I just say a massive thanks to Darren and the DMS club members who put on such a good meeting yesterday, well done to you all.

Secondly, this perception of 'discrimination' is a bit far-fetched. I saw young Joe Renton marshalling brilliantly at point 6 in the lower heats, and I also saw the guys in the top heat marshalling really quicky. If anything, the guys in the top heat are often, generally, better marshals as they observe the car better and can see when it's going to roll/tip etc, often before it happens and so they anticipate the crash and marshal quicker because of this.

I definitely felt like I got very good value from my £10 entry fee yesterday; I got a good amount of track time, and Darren and the club members kept me scrutineered and commentated on through the the day (heats as well as finals). The finals commentary (mine was the D Final) was particularly good as I was able to manage the gap I had to 2nd place. To say that the lower finalists are treated like second-rate citizens is quite frankly a slur on the efforts of the club yesterday.

Well done DMS, that was a fine meeting yesterday and I hope to be there next year for more good racing!
Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by Robby View Post
Well, I will say, that having to marshal more than my share of races - no offense intended here - but there's but only so much energy I'm going to put into a lower finals, where I often can't keep track of the number of times a driver crashes per lap in comparison to the a-finals in which I can count the total number of crashes in the entire race by the entire field on one hand. I'm sorry, but the lower finals wear out their welcome with the marshals by the midway point of the race.

Yes, we all get frustrated with marshals - but the best advice I ever heard given was, "If you don't crash, you won't need marshaling."

And, if you want credit on the rostrum prior to the race - MAKE THE A-FINAL.
Nobody in the crowd cares who's in the F-final (except the F-finalists and their parents). Getting "announced" is a privilege, a privilege earned. This ain't kiddie football, where everyone on the last place team gets a trophy.
Completely agree on the comment "If you don't crash, you won't need marshaling."

However the rest of your post stinks to high heaven and I'm glad we do not race at a club you are at. Hobby is better off without the likes of you I'm affraid.
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Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by K-Brewer View Post
I'm so glad I don't race where u do, sounds like a crap place, most people make the "F" final are kids an they're the future of this, if they start feeling left out an not appreciated u have to think are they gonna come back. Everyone gets treated the same, if u don't Marshall quick for someone why the hell should they for u!!!!!!!!!!!
That's just the silly talk of people today that think their lads should get a trophy for their football team finishing in last place. It's ridiculous.
Sure they're "the future" - and when they make the A-finals, in the future, then they'll have their time in the spotlight. But let 'em earn it. Jeesh.

Like I said before, if you want marshaled quick it's pretty simple DON'T CRASH so much and you won't need marshaling. It just seems that those that do the most complaining about marshaling are the ones doing the most crashing. How many times is a marshal to be expected to rush and hurry to marshal the same car in the same corner lap after lap?

I'm sorry, these threads where people complain about the race directors not doing what they perceive as "their job" are just ridiculous. As I used to tell new racers that thought they knew how it should be done, "If you think it so easy, then you're more then welcome to come up and show us how to do it." Volunteer to help out chaps, get in the trenches and see what it's like, or quit your complaining. Otherwise, show Darren some common courtesy and talk to him directly if you have a problem, but calling him out on a public forum just ain't cool.
Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by Robby View Post
How many times is a marshal to be expected to rush and hurry to marshal the same car in the same corner lap after lap?
As many times as necessary in 5 minutes plus warm up? I marshalled a few finals other than my own yesterday too, no big deal, but I didn't go any faster or slower because of who was on the rostrum.
Old 03-06-2013
jaywestwood jaywestwood is offline
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Having Read this I think its a little unfair as I said to you yesterday Sam. You Cant pin it all on Darren.

However... If at every regional it was said that "not letting faster cars through" "Bad/Slow Marshalling" will come with a penalty then I guarantee things will improve!!

In my opinion yesterdays venue was not upto Regional standards as the track with 10 cars on was too busy and unsafe. I was hit by 4 cars at table height whilst sitting in the Pits.. If it were a small child that would have been face/head height and would have cause great damage to them. (my Iphone screen was damaged )

I think at regional level we need race referee's but commentary for the A final is all that is needed.

THIS IS MY 2P before I get slated
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Old 03-06-2013
K-Brewer K-Brewer is offline
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Originally Posted by Robby View Post
That's just the silly talk of people today that think their lads should get a trophy for their football team finishing in last place. It's ridiculous.
Sure they're "the future" - and when they make the A-finals, in the future, then they'll have their time in the spotlight. But let 'em earn it. Jeesh.

Like I said before, if you want marshaled quick it's pretty simple DON'T CRASH so much and you won't need marshaling. It just seems that those that do the most complaining about marshaling are the ones doing the most crashing. How many times is a marshal to be expected to rush and hurry to marshal the same car in the same corner lap after lap?

I'm sorry, these threads where people complain about the race directors not doing what they perceive as "their job" are just ridiculous. As I used to tell new racers that thought they knew how it should be done, "If you think it so easy, then you're more then welcome to come up and show us how to do it." Volunteer to help out chaps, get in the trenches and see what it's like, or quit your complaining. Otherwise, show Darren some common courtesy and talk to him directly if you have a problem, but calling him out on a public forum just ain't cool.
Who said anything about getting a trophy? They should get marshalled all the same, does everyone where u race have this same attitude?
Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by jaywestwood View Post
Having Read this I think its a little unfair as I said to you yesterday Sam. You Cant pin it all on Darren.

However... If at every regional it was said that "not letting faster cars through" "Bad/Slow Marshalling" will come with a penalty then I guarantee things will improve!!

In my opinion yesterdays venue was not upto Regional standards as the track with 10 cars on was too busy and unsafe. I was hit by 4 cars at table height whilst sitting in the Pits.. If it were a small child that would have been face/head height and would have cause great damage to them. (my Iphone screen was damaged )

I think at regional level we need race referee's but commentary for the A final is all that is needed.

THIS IS MY 2P before I get slated
Well jay regards to things being unsafe is a little silly really you chose to pit were you did an did nothing but moan about all day, but on the other hand people that live glass house shouldn't throw stone an look at there own behaviour first, regards to marshalling as a top driver if you didn't crash you wouldn't need marshalling mate.
Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by Robby View Post
That's just the silly talk of people today that think their lads should get a trophy for their football team finishing in last place. It's ridiculous.
Sure they're "the future" - and when they make the A-finals, in the future, then they'll have their time in the spotlight. But let 'em earn it. Jeesh.

Like I said before, if you want marshaled quick it's pretty simple DON'T CRASH so much and you won't need marshaling. It just seems that those that do the most complaining about marshaling are the ones doing the most crashing. How many times is a marshal to be expected to rush and hurry to marshal the same car in the same corner lap after lap?
Please inform us of you local track so I can avoid it

I'm sorry, these threads where people complain about the race directors not doing what they perceive as "their job" are just ridiculous. As I used to tell new racers that thought they knew how it should be done, "If you think it so easy, then you're more then welcome to come up and show us how to do it." Volunteer to help out chaps, get in the trenches and see what it's like, or quit your complaining. Otherwise, show Darren some common courtesy and talk to him directly if you have a problem, but calling him out on a public forum just ain't cool.
please inform us of your local tack so I can avoid it like the plague
Old 03-06-2013
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Sorry Dmjp but your wrong here. It does not matter where anyone sits at an event like this as it should be safe. It is in fact your "duty to care" to ensure the safety of your patrons. We were all in the pitting area, an area that should be safe. At the first instance of this happening it should have been looked at and rectified. If there was an accident in this area after the first time it happens than you have shown negligence and quite probably liable for prosecution.

Now don't get me wrong I actually enjoyed the event, the commentary was good, I was also in the F final and I'm not a kid, I'm 41, so mr Robbo can to be polite "jog on sonny".

As with events like this we all as a group of RC racers, all need to learn from it and make the improvements for next year to make them better and ultimately safer (where reasonable practicable)

Originally Posted by Dmjp View Post
Well jay regards to things being unsafe is a little silly really you chose to pit were you did an did nothing but moan about all day, but on the other hand people that live glass house shouldn't throw stone an look at there own behaviour first, regards to marshalling as a top driver if you didn't crash you wouldn't need marshalling mate.
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Old 03-06-2013
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Guys if you have read any of the posts that I have written there is no mention of my kids been ill treated or unfairly treated, I have not mentioned any names or pointed any fingers, Darren has decided to direct it all at himself and mention names etc at his own free will(at which point I have replied).
If any body knows me and has seen me with my kids at a race meeting they will know I am the first to penalize them if they are in the wrong. However if they are not wrong I will do what I hope all of you who are parents out there would, that is to support my kids

I would appreciate if my sons are left out of this as I made the comments not them! and I stand by every word.

Once again the post is about

If others wish to make assumptions and accusations feel free to do so
Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by Dmjp View Post
Well jay regards to things being unsafe is a little silly really you chose to pit were you did an did nothing but moan about all day, but on the other hand people that live glass house shouldn't throw stone an look at there own behaviour first, regards to marshalling as a top driver if you didn't crash you wouldn't need marshalling mate.
That's a really silly reply ! Tbh I chose the spot where we pitted without thinking cars would leave the track like they did . ( my mistake !) just aswell we pitted there instead of a kid ! As I've said to Darren I enjoyed the day but this comment has annoyed me ! Regards Glenn Westwood
Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by K-Brewer View Post
Who said anything about getting a trophy? They should get marshalled all the same, does everyone where u race have this same attitude?
That's the way you're acting.
If you want to get marshaled the same, DON'T CRASH SO MUCH!
Old 03-06-2013
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Originally Posted by Robby View Post
That's the way you're acting.
If you want to get marshaled the same, DON'T CRASH SO MUCH!
I don't lol I hope the people at your club read this an see your attitude towards other people that aren't as good you as unfortunately its people like you that don't help the sport and its future, where is your local track by the way?
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